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Chapter III .


Years later, looks like the humans are about to reach their objective


25,020 BSW4

  It is rumoured that the hyperdrive was invented eons ago by a space-faring race from outside the known galaxy. When this race encountered the known galaxy, it first came upon the Corellian System. There, the aliens sold the secrets of the hyperdrive to the Corellians, who studied it for decades before producing their first, working hyperdrive.

"SW: Tyrant's Test."

  Our theory is that the hyperdrive tech was given by the Vorlon thru other race or the Vorlon themselves or the First Ones themselves to the human colonies which were more prepared for research , understand and make a proper use of this method of quick space travel which will expand the territory (ok, ok , space) and boost a race’s chance to create a huge civilization and so many other things.


c. 25,000 BSW4

 After two decades of research, the Corellians produce their first working Hyperdrive and sell their ideas to other star systems, notably Coruscant and Alderaan, and the first rumblings of a galactic community begin. Corellian Engineering Corporation is founded.

"SW: Tyrant's Test." Also conjecture based upon "SW Gamer #2."

  Exploration of the galaxy begins. Previously, the earliest spaceships could hardly escape their own star systems, but the miraculous discovery of the faster-than-light dimension known as Hyperspace ushers in a new age of discovery and exploration. The first galactic scouts strike out from the Core Worlds along two stable hyperspace paths; the Perlemian Trade Route and the Corellian Run. These twin hyperlanes outline a vast wedge-shaped region of space that is soon dubbed "the slice." Though it contains many of the oldest and best-known planets, "the slice" encompasses only a fraction of the known galaxy. The Perlemian Trade Route runs through the Darpa and Bormea sectors of the Ringali Shell and connects, in order, the planets Corulag, Chandrila, Brentaal, Esseles, Rhinnal, and Ralltiir. The Arkanis sector and its Pii system are a seven-day journey from the trade route. Hyperspace travel is relatively new and is a bold and risky way to link the galaxy, so navigational beacons helped spacers travel between stars. These beacons marked reliable jump coordinates among frequent hyperspace routes, allowing safe hyperspace travel. Space stations quickly grew around these nav beacons to accommodate the constant flow of spaceships and passengers on their way to more important parts of the galaxy.

Date given in Issue #3, "Tales of the Jedi." Information also provided from "The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons." also "SW RPG: Platt's Starport Guide." [Page 118]

The Mining Guild, a quasi - political body is formed in the early days of space exploration, and may even pre - date the formation of the Old Republic. Most historians agreed that the Guild originated in the Core, but were unsure of its exact origin.

Conjecture based upon "The Empire Strikes Back," "Crimson Empire II" and "Lords of the Expanse."


Duros culture enters a golden age. Under the wise rule of the benevolent Queen Rana Mas Trehalt, scientists make profound breakthroughs in the science of interstellar flight.

"The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons." Moved here via a top-secret source.


Humans somehow gets involved in the Unification Wars along with other races against yet unknown enemies …perhaps this war was between  human colonies or human and other races or human and other races and yet another races but at the end after many millennia  since the Shadow left Coruscant and the Vorlon almost disappeared and with little (hyperdrive?, space travel?) help from the First Ones , the Galactic Republic is created, a galaxy-wide government of planetary systems, is formed in the Core Worlds after the tumultuous Unification Wars. It will spread out from there to settle other distant star systems. Coruscant, Alderaan, Corellia, and Chandrila (another human colony) are among the founding members of the Republic. Capital of the Republic, seat of government, and home of the powerful Jedi Knights (created from a group of monks that knows how to use the force they decided to use it for good and protect others), Coruscant is the most important planet in the galaxy. One of the original Core Worlds that grouped together at the birth of the Republic, Coruscant distinguished itself with the development and production of hyperdrive mechanics. This is the single most important invention in the galaxy's history because it allowed ships to travel from one end of space to the other in a matter of days rather than years. As galactic scouts explored increasingly far - flung planets, large numbers of alien species made the return trip to Coruscant, swelling its population and causing the most rapid expansion a planet had ever seen. Coruscant reaped the glory and was awarded the coordinates zero-zero-zero on standard navigation charts, making it the effective center of the Republic: whoever rules Coruscant is truly master of the galaxy.

From the Guide. Also information from 'Star Wars Episode I: Incredible Locations.' The Unification Wars reference is taken from 'Star Wars Episode II: Incredible Cross-Sections.'


The Galactic Constitution, the foundation document of the democratic Republic, is written. The Galactic Senate is formed to preside over the Republic. Lavender is chosen for the colour of the Senate interior because it is the only hue that had never been associated with war, anger, or mourning in any culture of the Republic. The Galactic Senate was entrusted with the incredible task of governing the galaxy. One of its main tasks was to establish universal law while maintaining the peace among it's many alien and human cultures. The Republic standardised trade and legal codes, while allowing each planet and people to maintain their original cultures, customs, and laws, languages, and governments.

"Star Wars Episode I: Visual Dictionary." And other sources.


The Senate Library, one of the largest libraries in the galaxy is built. Based on Coruscant, it is a complete record of minutes, policy decisions, agendas, and related material of Senate rule over the Republic. The Galactic Registry, the document that describes all the peoples and races that has joined the galactic government begins cataloguing.

"SW: Dark Force Rising." also "SW: Children of the Jedi."


"Galactic standard" timekeeping measurements are derived from those which originated on Coruscant. While many planets maintain there own timekeeping methods based on their local planetary cycles, all official communications and records use galactic standard measures. There are 60 standard minutes in a standard hour, 24 standard hours in a standard day, five standard days in a standard week and seven standard weeks in a standard month. A standard year is 368 standard days; ten standard months plus three fete weeks and three more holidays, all devoted to traditional celebrations, festivals, and observances.Time measure from this moment will be the same as the taungs established for Coruscant, so this is the year 175.000.

SW RPG material.


The Jedi are formed from the Bendu Monks, a theological and philosophical study group. Over several centuries, however, the monastic Jedi become aware of something more in the universe-some kind of "Force". They dedicate themselves to studying and learning how to master the Force. By the time the Old Republic is founded, the Jedi decide to take a more active role in galactic society, using the Force to aid in peace, justice, and order. Operating out of the Judicial Department under the office of the Supreme Chancellor, the Jedi become the guardians of peace and justice. As a result, the Jedi Knights, a corps of Force-wielding guardians, are formally established (on Ossus, in the Adega system?). They battle interplanetary criminals and settle cosmic disputes, becoming legendary throughout the galaxy. Legend later has it that the first of the Jedi Knights learns the moral use of his power from the Caamasi race. The deeds of the Jedi become famous. Aided by the Force, they come to be respected and honoured throughout the galaxy. They are known as scholars, warriors, and philosophers. They are all these things - and much more. The Jedi spread across the galaxy, protecting the Republic and watching over its many systems.

  Not long after the introduction of the Jedi, they form a 'code' to live by, to prevent young Jedi being drawn to the dark side of the Force. Ever seeking knowledge and enlightenment, a Jedi never uses the Force to gain wealth or personal power. Because hatred, anger, fear, and aggression are made up of negative energy, Jedi apprentices are instructed only to act when they are at peace with the Force. Jedi should seek non -violent solutions to problems. Sometimes fighting is the only solution, but Jedi are encouraged to find alternatives. Jedi cannot allow evil to occur by inaction. A Jedi must do anything possible to stop the forces of darkness.

So they're special only because they have a big amount of these little beings in their blood . Jedis rely on force but not on their real skills , Mara Jade many millenia later realize of this point and acted using her own skills and not the force and told the young Anakin Solo to do the same. 

Yet this Jedi purpose sounds quite good and they took the light as the side they will defend …but benefits to the ground people never came with cute words and valiant warriors may not help with the needs of a huge population growing even more. The Galactic Republic serves it’s purpose well and looks like the humans finally make what they were destined to do (with other races also…looks like their accomplish their mission) while the Jedi provides a “hero figure” to the population that keep the people happy with something to believe aside the government itself … nice maneuver so if one of the two powers fails the other will be there to help correct things.

But still they were too primitive for the Shadows : the Galactic Republic was primitive but the Jedi wasn’t so primitive for the shadows , they keep a sharp eye on the Jedi perhaps they will serve true shadow’s purpose well . And they have all the time of the universe because the Vorlon even tried to investigate what happened with their colony assigned to teach humans ….they were too prideful to even think the colony was attacked and destroyed and too innocent to think the shadows attacked them so they just rely on their servant races to help….it is unknown why the First Ones never told anything to the Vorlon (maybe they didn’t know about this issue).

 Shortly after the Old Republic is founded, young Force student Reda Jalooz steals an heirloom of the Kashi monarchy. Several months later, she returns claiming she has discovered a dark secret about the relic and asks for forgiveness. Very soon thereafter, the Kashi system suddenly supernovas. The cause of the supernova is lost to history.

  A war on the planet Ando between the two races of Aqualish (Aquala and Quara) is rudely interrupted by the arrival of an exploratory vessel, possibly Corellian or Duros. The two races unite to kill the visitors, while taking their ship intact.

  A Duro colony is established on the planet of Neimoidia. Over the millennia to follow, the "Neimoidians" (as they come to be known) put evolutionary distance between themselves and their parent race, developing grayish skin (to the Duro's blue) and dark red eyes (to the Duro's bright red). They also grow to be cowardly and greedy by nature.  

The Concordance of Fealty, an ancient Jedi pact is formed between fellow Knights. It was invoked whenever two Knights were forced to exchange lightsabers while on a mission. This act alone spoke to the deep respect and trust that could form between them. However, the Concordance was completed whenever the two Knights returned the lightsabers to their rightful owners. During this time, each Knight promised their undying friendship and loyalty to each other.


c. 25,000 to 15,000 BSW4

  The Expansionist period, as all cultures gain interstellar travel. Basic, verbal language based on the tongue of the Human inhabitants of the Core World peoples, quickly becomes a universal language after its rise in use in diplomacy and trade. At the same time, Aurebesh becomes the second most widely used as a technical language. Aurebesh eventually evolves into the written form of Basic. Intelligent species have developed a bewildering array of communication forms. Fortunately, Basic (aka Old Galactic Standard), the standard language of the Old Republic, enables almost everyone to understand almost everyone else. Basic, derived from the native tongue of Coruscant's humans, is designed to be easy to understand and pronounce. Most alien species can speak it, and almost all of them can understand it. Most records and texts are stored in Basic. Nevertheless, a variety of other languages are in use. It is not unusual for someone to speak several languages; Basic, a native tongue, a couple of regional dialects, and a smattering of trade languages. A well-travelled citizen may speak dozens of languages. In addition, during this time, Zimchai, an ancient written language is used in the documentation of the galaxy's medical terms.

  The Republic Spacelane Bureau is formed, to ensure that hyperspace routes are all marked and easily accessible to space travellers.

 In the early days of the Old Republic, the colony ship Sevari Cabal is lost in space. It is later assumed that this ship made it to the planet Sevarcos and that its passengers became the ancestors of the Sevari clans that would exist during the time of the Galactic Empire.

  The spread of technology and civilization led to the development of a so - called galactic economy. Few worlds are entirely self - sufficient. Some specialise in manufacturing high - tech goods yet depend on neighbouring agricultural worlds for food. Those agricultural worlds rely on manufacturing worlds to produce the machinery for efficiently harvesting and processing the foodstuffs as well as supplying the chemical industries that make pesticides to kill insects and provide nutrient sprays to speed crop growth. This galactic economy has allowed megacorporations to accumulate tremendous economic and political power.


c. 24,980 BSW4

  During this period of time, the Duros establish orbital waystations, and begin striking out into the inky blackness of unexplored space. The Duros eventually blaze new hyperspace routes and encounter other star travellers, such as the Corellians. Queen Rana Mas Trehalt dies, and her heir King Dassid continues his mother's policies of galactic expansion and watched as more and more Duros relocated to space stations and far - flung colony worlds.

"The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons." [Page 77] Moved here via a top-secret source.

  c. 24,975 BSW4

 The Aqualish, after they have learned the secret of starship engineering, use their captured ship to attack their sister world. The Ando soon slap together a ragtag space fleet. Their armada leaves their star system on a bold crusade to conquer the peaceful civilizations of the Republic. The galactic government, however, had the best - trained soldiers and most advanced armaments in existence. Warships of the Republic's navy smashed the inferior fleet and swiftly took the war to Ando. Smart enough to realise that they were hopelessly outmatched, the cowed Aqualish sued for peace. Ando was forcibly demilitarised under the watchful eye of the Republic. Though they could no longer be part of a conquering Aqualish space fleet, many of the tusked aliens found offworld employment, as strikebearers, bill collectors, and other vocations were their bellicose temperaments were an asset.

One system that attracted initial interest from the Hutts was the Y'Toub system, where a pleasant yellow star shone over six planets, four habitable. The largest, Evocar, despite its huge size, had an extremely low density. With almost no heavy metals, the gravity is comparable to a standard world. Home to a species of humanoids called the Evocii; their civilization was in a primitive, feudal state of development. Upon discovering them, the Hutts offered to sell the Evocii modern technology. The Hutts traded technology for real estate - the Evocii never suspected the Hutts were trying to buy the planet away from them. By the time they learned what the Hutts were up to, construction teams had begun arriving. Soon, they replaced Evocii lodges with fantastic palaces and pleasure pavilions, which dot the surface to this day. The Evocii appealed to the Republic, but even a Jedi cannot find a loophole in a Hutt contract. The Evocii were relocated to a nearby moon.

Now in secure control of Evocar, the final transformation began. The last native structures were torn down to make room for theme parks and palaces. The ancient monuments were replaced with Hutt shrines and the planet was renamed Nal Hutta, which means "Glorious Jewel" in Huttese. Whether this refers to the planet's climate or its population is unknown, but in any case, it is an apt description of this pleasant and beautiful world. This was one of the first planets bought by the Hutts and it has become synonymous with Hutt crime clans. The planet is ruled by a council of the elders of each clan who live here. This world is home to a full-fledged Hutt society. Though the planet is owned by Hutts and according to tradition Huttese is the only language permitted to be spoken here, there are many non - Hutt residents as part of the enormous class of slaves, servants and sycophants to be found anywhere Hutts reside. From here, they control the entire economic life of the moon, Nar Shaddaa, an ancient spacer's base, and home to many of the pilots and techs working for the Hutt smuggling guilds. Those earning the Hutt's gratitude are often bought here for audience and vacation. Those who earn their wrath can sometimes be found orbiting between both planets.

  c. 24,800 BSW4

  Corellian Engineering Corporation begins to construct the YG series of ships.

  c. 24,500 BSW4

  After many centuries, layer after layer of city is built on top of previous levels on the moon of Nar Shaddaa, until the surface is entirely covered in a multi - story vertical city. Lower levels fall into decay and those who could not afford to relocate higher were marginalized and forgotten. Among there unfortunates are the mutated descendants of the Evocii



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