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Chapter IV


An unexpected change


The first great schism between the Jedi Knights takes place, a schism between the Forces of Light and Darkness. A single rogue Jedi Knight, Xendor, first fell to the dark side. Using manipulation, the rogue turned many more Jedi to the dark side, creating an army. After amassing a fleet of spacecraft, the "dark" Jedi declared war on the Jedi Order. The conflict swept through the galaxy, consuming countless worlds, and lives.

  The Sith retained a harmonious social structure until now, with the arrival of a single fallen Jedi, who took particular interest in their techniques for drawing power from the dark side. This dark Jedi dominated the Sith people, turning them into unwilling thralls, stealing their knowledge of sorcery and using it against them. This Jedi proclaimed himself the Dark Lord of the Sith, making him first in a lineage that would plague the rest of the galaxy for untold millennia. The Sith developed and perfected the techniques of calling on the dark side, enabling them to create more and more complex powers once thought well beyond the grasp of mere sentients. The Sith simultaneously feed on and empower the dark side in a symbiotic relationship whose ties can never be severed. This dark Jedi would continue to pervert Sith culture until his lineage is joined by hundreds of fallen Jedi during the Great Schism, which concludes in the total subjugation of the Sith species.

  Yep, they made a wrong use of the dark side but looks like the dark side isn’t as bad as we know …just that it was used  in a wrong way .

 After a century of battle, the Dark Jedi were exiled and eventually took over the Sith civilization, built it into an empire, and brought about the so-called 'Golden Age of the Sith.' In time, the Republic grew complacent and believed that the dark side had been defeated. Among the many Jedi literature and traditions of this period is the prophecy of the one who will bring 'balance to the Force' and heal the schism. During this time, the fallen Jedi also begin experimenting on their subjects, converting many Sith into deadly Massassi warriors.

".... And in the time of greatest
despair there shall come a saviour,
and he shall be known as: THE SON

                                                     Journal of the Whills, 3:127

  Meanwhile , the first Old Republic explorers and settlers to leave the Core Worlds colonise an adjacent region that they name the Colonies. Many of these planets become just as industrialized and wealthy as their old - world counterparts, though the antiquated term "Colonies" stuck. Among the planets in "The Colonies" are Arkania, Balmorra, Borleias, Carida, Talasea, and Teyr. The Tapani Sector is located in The Colonies, but by tradition, it is considered a respected part of the Core Worlds community. Elite and ancient noble houses rule much of the sector, though border planets called the Freeworlds are slowly encroaching on house - held territory. Planets of the Tapani Sector include Fondor and Mrlsst.

  Hosk Station, located near the planet Kalarba, is built to be a supply and maintenance facility for the Republic Navy. It is an excellent choice because of the proximity to the new colonies, while the moon's low gravity proved convenient for capital ships coming in to dock. The system's asteroid belts provided a convenient source of metals and ores.

Hypertransceivers (precursor to the HoloNet), also called "hyperradio" is developed. The technology relies on a network of satellites to broadcast messages through hyperspace. Hyperstansceivers allow for instant, real - time communication with any world in the galactic network (although not every system is serviced). The medium is limited to audio and video transmission.

  4000 years later 

Many of the galaxy's first starship manufacturing companies are founded, including Alderaan Royal Engineers, Core Galaxy Systems and Rendili StarDrive. Alderaan Royal Engineers was most famous for its luxury yachts, deep-space stations and exotic vessels. Core Galaxy Systems was one of the famed "founding shipwrights" of the Old Republic.

  The Etti, a near human race, unites in opposition to the political and military policies of the Galactic Republic. They pool their resources and purchase several colony ships. Declaring the Republic to be "tyrannical and too oppressive," they leave the Core Worlds and follow several scout ships to a new world far removed from the reach of Coruscant.

  Many independent-from-human races envelop to human-like life forms this, at least for imperial and republic xenoarchaeologists, means that maybe the First One’s creation , the humans , were among the most advanced life forms and any evolution will conduce to a human-like or humanoid life form.

  About the Etti , their reasons to oppose  the Republic are the same reasons argued by many planets that joined the Rebel alliance and supported the New Republic; if the old Republic was becoming oppressive and tyrannical it was because they wanted to keep peace and progress and harmony between many worlds, and even more many people, so after all a little of order was needed . As someone said “even in chaos there’s an order” .

  . 18,000 BSW4

  The Bureau of Ships and Services (BoSS) is formed, and will become one of the oldest institutions in the galaxy. It has its own customs, traditions, and unique personality. Most of the positions are filled through hereditary means. BoSS is as much a star - spanning tribe, as it is a civil bureaucracy. The Bureau of Ships and Services (BoSS) is the galaxy's record - keeper when it comes to starship and spacer information. It keeps extensive information on starship registrations and transponder codes, captains' flight certification, and upgraded weapons loadouts on all ships in the galaxy. It also keeps track of astrographical and navigational information as well as data on hyperspace routes used in nav computers. The bureau's databanks are continuously updated and transmitted to starports, systems, and enforcement agencies throughout the galaxy. BoSS has been the keeper of starship information since time began (or so it seems). It's not really a bureau attached to any government or other institutions like other bureaus, it does not owe loyalty to anyone. That's why both the Empire and the Republic many millenia later , agreed to let the BoSS be a neutral stance in the negotiations for peace.


15,100 BSW4

  The Anomids develop faster - than - light travel. The Anomids sought to develop advanced technology for the sheer sake of meeting the challenge, but they had little desire to actually leave their home system. This means that humans probably created their own space travel tech (not hyperspace) …some theory argue that the received help from the first ones.


. 15,000 BSW4

  Republic Fleet Systems is formed. The company is founded to design warships to counter the threat of Sith-backed uprisings in the distant corners of the Old Republic. In time, the company expands its operations to design exploration, transport, passenger, and colony vessels.

  One of RFS last designs was the TIE technology the first model was the Republican TIE it was a fast and maneuverable but weak and shieldless vessel. This company created by humans is another advancement to the evolution that started with the creation of the Galactic Republic that the shadows , the Vorlon and the First ones were expecting from us . Of course each race was having in mind different plans for us .  

  The Anomid, a peaceful humanoid race native to the Yablari system, begins supporting the Republic. The Anomid are born without vocal cords. This requires that the immature Anomid wear complex masks that synthesise the sounds necessary for communication with others. These masks are very large, covering all but the Anomid's eyes and forehead. They dress in long, hooded robes made from pure dendrite. Most Anomids have pale, translucent skin and wide eyes, and their ears are large and leaf-like in shape. Anomids have six toes on each foot. Their technology is fairly sophisticated, and the Anomid have become very wealthy selling it in the galaxy.

  The Golden Age begins, a period of unrivalled peace and prosperity in the galaxy, under the secretly watchful eye of the First Ones the humans and it’s allies learn the value of a stable peace and harmony .

  The Ailon Nova Guard, an ancient military service, begins its history and traditions. The Ailon people are militaristic, devoted, and highly focused on professional military service. Soldiering has a deep religious meaning to the Ailon, and all able-bodied Ailon serve at least a five-year term in the Guard.This happened 13,000 years before Yavin.

 The Golden age lasts until around a century before the Battle of Yavin. During the golden age of the Old Republic, the planet Trulalis was a thriving cultural center boasting one of the finest liberal arts schools in the galaxy. Today, however, its days of respected theatre and drama have long passed, and only a few scattered remnants testify to its former glory.  

The Jedi Knights with other powers and the powers of the Republic itself asked to avoid tyrannical and oppressive ways in all governments in all the Republic. They became full of  light side doctrine and tried very hard to eliminate all presence of the dark side remembering what happened when a civilization used the darkness as they guidance so they defend liberty but they never realized of one thing : anything in excess is bad …. balance it’s the best way , otherwise the good will turn into a single side in a war and  good's defenders will be only a battle side defenders, not the administrators of justice they should be. In this way justice became beyond from good and evil at least in this huge civilization ….and that means that justice was forgotten . Justice was only the thing Jedi Knights said and that was the last word .

  Excessive liberty allows corruption in all ways , this fact mixed up with the long term peace making people think that nothing will happen if they corrupt themselves . This fact was putting the human and its allies away from their objectives , since they didn’t knew about it , we believe that that was a mistake of the First Ones : they were expecting that a primitive race knows it’s objective since the first moment and that’s not true. Many millennia have passed since the Taungs envelop to humans and still they don’t know anything about what the First Ones were expecting from them.

  The Republic is the first step in the final evolution the First Ones were expecting from us, learning first what light means and learning first to appreciate it and basing our society in light, later when the humans and it’s allies understands the need of a balance between light and darkness this galaxy’s huge empire will rise to bring the necessary order and stability to keep peace and harmony in a larger scale and allow the final step in evolution .

  Darkness is a part of our lives that helps in the balance. You cannot be too good or the society will literally eat you. This is a thing many people discuss even at this time . We’ll brief you in other episode with what Imperial Starfleet thinks of darkness.

  With time chaos domain over the republic ..a kind of chaos difficult to advise by many people, chaos disguised as light. One man saw it and realizes that order and discipline was needed to help keep peace and harmony in the Republic. He was unaware of the existence of the First Ones , the Shadows and the Vorlon , but what he was trying to do was exactly what the galaxy was needing and was exactly the First Ones expected from the humans: to be the agents of order. Yes this man was the by-then Senator Palpatine who else ? =D



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