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Chapter V

The Origin of the Empire


Many systems were in civil war and many others suffered for long without real leadership, strong economies ,and a valuated position within the galaxy but still the republic was the best system to lead the galaxy. For the imperials the problems started years ago with the Republic. For the rebels the problems started later with the Empire lol =) . Truth is the first victim in a war.

  This is the version the imperials have about the origin of the Empire and was the one Admiral Mordon gave to the captured people in the Star Destroyer Vengeance, this was also something like a recruitment lecture …although the true purpose was to make a “thinly disguised threat”, to “invite” Taroon and the Bordali people to join the Empire.  Among the captured people was the young Maarek Steele. The conference was given in a smallish amphitheatre with perhaps 150 seats arranged before a small raised platform. 

  “Long ago, when the Clone Wars ended, the galaxy was divided up by a group of beings who called themselves senators . These senators formed a government designed to make them more powerful and rich . They were the elite , and all other beings were their unwitting accomplices in this systematic pillage of a thousand worlds.

  Of course , the senators made it sound as if they were going to govern fairly, represent their systems, and bring peace and harmony to the galaxy. As you are well aware, they did no such thing. When was the last time Taroon (1) received any aid , commerce, or direction from the so-called Republic?”

  Mordon hesitated at that moment and there was a low murmur in the crowd. His words had produced the desired effect. People were grumbling about the Republic, which had never in recent memory paid any attention to the Taroon system.


“The corruption of the senators gradually came to light, in large part due to the efforts (2) of  one of their members – a strong – willed , but uncompromising senator named Palpatine. Senator Palpatine worked diligently to expose the corruption and rot, the rampant opportunism that was bleeding the lifeblood of the galaxy. He was one of the few idealists (3) who believed in the rhetoric of the Republic and who had worked his way to his position through years of service to his fellow beings .”

  Mordon continued - “Soon , he learned that to expose corruption was both dangerous and ineffective. His enemies were too well-entrenched, so he took a different approach . He worked within the system , gradually making allies of many key members of the senate , the Republican Guard and even those Jedi Knights who remained uncorrupted” (4) .


Now me, Admiral Araujo, add this to what Mordon said (personal opinion but many  IN members agree with me):

  Imperial philosophy establish that you need first to learn what people need, then look for a way to get the power but never forget where you came from, then you will have the chance to change things in the majority ‘s favors. If you corrupt and/or forget where you came from (came from the majority and you reach the majority by understanding them ) you will be like a  building without basement so you will fall soon or later. Ok Palpatine changed his strategy but we’re unsure about if he did this trying to reach power in order to help erradicate corruption or that he was touched by the shadows when they realized of what Palpatine was doing . It makes sense since it will ensure for the shadows a safety way to reach what they really want . And there’s the fact that Palpatine wasn’t originally a dark jedi (people says that he was a sith already but he didin't knew). We don’t know also when he becomes a dark Jedi so we cannot determinate how this happen if he’s touched by the shadows after his change of strategy it may mean that he was just trying to reach power in order to help people and ensure things will do in it’s right way don’t tell me that’s bad because Mon Mothma assumed the Rebel Alliance’s leadership based on the same stuff, it’s a matter of trustworthy …confidence in the others, they never totally trust others (about if they perform successfully).

Probably, Palpatine , like the ancient siths , used the power of the dark side,but without realizing that he was able to use it and he used it to do what a real sith does: manipulate to reach his/her objectives no matter if they were good or bad for the people.In this case Palpatine's idea was good and he without being a dark jedi , used the power of the dark side to create the Empire . If this one or the other theory or both (somehow) are true, darkness is a part of the Empire itself. 

  The objective of the Empire is to make people understand , apply and respect the liberty, law and order in a peaceful way but with the necessary force to ensure the successful accomplishment of the objective so or you act like a good guy or you act like a good guy. All this respecting liberty and guarantees to all beings of all races. It means also to respect each culture and don’t have any preference for anyone (to make things fair) it also means to respect each country associated with the Empire, it’s form of government, it’s sovereignty and the will and sovereignty of their peoples, respect before anything the will of the majority and the planet’s law while providing protection against common issues.  That order and that peace will allow the members of the Empire to draw attention from some problems that the Empire can manage to solve while the planets attack another kind of situations i.e the poorest in the planets, economy, commerce and some other stuff. When this problems get their solutions then they will start to study the culture, the people itself and then they’ll be ready (in equality of conditions and everything) for the next step in the evolution whatever it is.


Now this is what Palpatine was originally looking for.

“His great vision was to bring unity and equity to all the worlds, but he quickly saw the weakness of the republican system. A perceptive student of history, he knew that the greatest strength comes with centralized, individual leadership (5), backed by a powerful military (6). This was the vision he followed, and such was the strength and perseverance of his effort that he was able to form a powerful coalition of leaders who eventually named him Emperor. (7) The era of peace and prosperity had begun.”

If we think a little in the shadows:

  Hmmm looks like Palpatine didn’t liked the aliens cause of the shadows, they can manipulate humans but they wasn’t so sure about other races so if they let an alien race be in the Empire it may be totally free of the shadow’s hand and will begun to try keeping the original Imperial Philosophy despite Palpatine’s efforts to modify the Empire to his (or the shadows) benefit to avoid anyone watching where they wasn’t supposed to be . They just decide to eliminate (or just keep away) the alien races from this new government and the Imperial Armed Forces (Imperial Starfleet).

  Mordon continued, “However, out in the Rim, among the outer planets, events of such importance might not have produced any benefit, due to the long neglect of the Republic. It is our mission to bring that unity to the Empire (8) .We carry the force to do so if necessary, but our mission is diplomatic. We will install our sector governors and local authorities, bring order to your worlds, and make them productive members of the Empire.”

  “Today the worlds of the galactic Core enjoy prosperity, security, and tremendous growth. With a strong central government, each planet, each system, and each sector contributes its part. (9) The hardy settlers of the Cardua system excel at mining the rich ore deposits of their asteroid belts. Their neighbors in the Xorth system enjoy rich soil and trade largely in agricultural goods. They also provide the finest Farrberries in the galaxy – prized for their fine scent and invigorating effect. Each benefits from the efforts of the others (10). Taroon also has a role to play, and we are here to give you the opportunity to join (11) the greatest empire of all time” (12).

This is the reference about our enemies:

“There are dangers, even to this great Empire -to you and to all of us. The Emperor wants you to know who our common enemies are. First there is the problem of rogue alien races who cannot, or will not live in peaceful coexistence and commerce with the human race, or who have designs of conquest themselves- races like the Mon Calamarians and the Wookie (13). You can join us in thwarting their destructive efforts” (14).

“There are also some who wish to resurrect the old corruption. Led by former senators who want to return (15) to their corrupt ways, these rebels have dared to interfere with our attempts to bring peace to the galaxy” (16). “Make no mistake. They are led by desperate and persuasive criminals, and they have made unholy alliances with some of the very alien races who desire our destruction. We welcome qualified volunteers in the fight against these evil beings and their lies”.

Then Mordon start to talk about the Star Destroyer with obvious pride (ofc isn’t he prideful of commanding such a awesome vessel? ;) ) .



(1)    Steele’s home world.

(2)    Obviously written by imps but wtf  I’m imp and there’s some “true in this story” ofc speaking like this sw stuff was real for a moment. Palpatine really did an important effort in chasing down the corrupted people but as I was told Bail Organa was doing the same stuff .

(3)    who others …I don’t know.

(4)    So y eliminating them?. Maybe they were eliminated after Palpatine was touched by the shadows. Palpatine was obviously a Jedi . With no training , using some dark side powers, like persuasion, he was able to create the Empire. Not a bad guy initially , he was just like the ancient Sith they used the dark side powers but they weren't bad guys they were corruted later by the dark jedi so Palpatine was probably corrupted or touched by the shadows ...almost (or) the dark side itself .

(5)    We believe he was talking about something like a coordinator that do …that …coordinate the efforts of several beings to get a better and more efficient solution of the problem.

(6)    I think that that’s the key to protect the worlds; what I like of being in such a powerful force is the fact than you can use it to keep peace and to help people when needed…like captain Picard when he goes to missions to help bring solutions to some kind of trouble ..(diplomacy) or help with some scientific stuff. Ok he has a powerful ship but still he always find the way to do things peacefully ofc we hope the best but we prepare for the worst. "If you want peace, prepare for war".

(7)    and so it begun...

(8)    Imperial Starfleet’s mission I guess.

(9)    he add some examples.

(10) hm . Ok I know “hm” isn’t enough thing to make a note brb…

(11) invite or …”invite” you know what I mean , the typical imperial way to do things.

(12) sure, I guess this one’s bigger than the ancient Sith Empire itself =D.

(13) wookies trying to conquer? like Battlegrounds?.

(14) I agree very much at this point ….it is necessary to crush any opposition since we cannot give ourselves the chance to have new resistance movements like the Rebel Alliance , ok if a government doesn’t want resistance it must do things well but still there’s always persons looking for power no mater if the people supports or not their efforts to overthrow a legal government .They are the ones we must crush i.e. clans that claims to be the legal government while they’re just a gang lead by a desperate warlord that is trying to domain over the territory we have.

(15) Mon Mothma, maybe Bail Organa… not sure , Organa and Mothma  may be convinced that Palpatine was bringing even more corruption this is a point to discuss if you remember when I talk about Organa in (1), I told you that he may be looking the same initial objective as Palpatine.

(16) Sometimes they try to save someone or something but many times they just sabotage our ops with no other reason more than “to strike Imperial Starfleet when it is weak” Admiral Ackbar said that in XWA or something like that.

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