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Chapter VI

Back to the stuff we’re discussing …


In the early years of the New Order  the shadows tried to domain Emperor Palpatine. Aware of this, he created several clones that will take his place if he gets mad or dies because of the shadows. He then deleted his memories about the clones to avoid the shadows reach his mind and he also assigned some of his closest advisors to keep the clones safety. Somehow many of the clones were touched by the shadows except one that was hiding with the help of one of Palpatine’s closest advisors . Looks like this Empire will not have any chance to keep safe from the shadows but an ancient race that helped both the Vorlon and the Shadow to grow  -the First Ones- took a guy from one of the human’s colony worlds … one that kept  in secret to their sons the fact they came from space … a world called Earth . The guy’s name was Carlos Mendoza  and the first ones took him and trained him as a warrior and strategist he’s supposed to help protecting the Empire even from vorlon and shadow threats , Mendoza got high ranks inside the navy quite soon and he becomes an Imperial Moff.

People says that there's no succesful attempt to colonize an outside galaxy world but Earth was one of the few secret succesful colonies that humans made with or without help . Maybe this was one of the original colonies the First Ones choose for the humans like Coruscant. This may be true but we are unsure because we don't have any proves.

With the approval of the first ones , Mendoza came back to his planet and spent some time looking for people capable of helping him in his quest,  he knows that soon or later the shadows will try to domain Earth so the best chance is to fight them and keep them away from Earth but he need some help and he believes that some of his friends are capable enough to help him in such a task .

Unfortunately Mendoza wasn’t alone .

Shadow beings, disguised as humans were also in earth to keep the chosen away from Mendoza , recruit them for their own or kill them once they have located them . Carlos found the people he was looking for, and in an incident know as SA incident, Mendoza & company managed to successfully counterattack the shadows and escape from Earth; unfortunately the shadows beings escaped from Mendoza’s counterattack … once they reached open space Mendoza deleted his team’s memories except for the sa incident …something in the tech he used failed , but the people were safety from shadow influence they only remember the humans alied with the shadows, not the shadows themselves , this could help to know the enemy without being touched by it. This group of humans started training on the Imperial Navy and they were told that they were saved from a derelict ship and they lost their memories for "unknown reasons". Mendoza didn’t wanted us with shadow influence since we meet them . They kept the Earth as a secret because it’s one of the last human colonies untouched  by the shadows.

  At same time , the shadows were forced to flee from Earth by the humans allied with the First Ones in a secret but bloody battle while the rest of the humans there live their lives. Finally the first ones  pursued the shadows until they left the sector and the galaxy .

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