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Chapter VII  

  The Hidden Fleets


During the years of the New Order and the early years of the New Republic  a big amount of imperial vessels disappeared and never saw again .

  While the Empire becomes the Imperial Remnant, Mendoza’s people kept the tech of imperial weapons and some other stuff like the Imperial Seal. But the ships that disappeared were an unknown stuff for Mendoza himself . It was a last superweapon kept in secret by Rear Admiral Screed and the First Ones , yes , the Empire was preparing to last ,the First Ones tried to save the Empire at all costs.

  Also the Empire (Mendoza’s people) with the First Ones created a secret organization called the Rangers … they’re in all human civilizations …allied or not with the first ones or another alien race, they are a part of any humanoid civilization's evolution. Rangers exists as orders or legions of humans allied or not with some other friendly races (such as Mimbari, Chiss, Vulcan). Depends of the galaxy ‘s story if they’re created or not , but one thing is sure : in any galaxy the humans are, they will find a friendly race that works together with humans (very close like brothers =) ).

  All this secrets were kept by Palpatine’s advisors and the first ones as Palpatine and most of his clones were touched by the shadows.

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