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Chapter VIII

Laila: A Light Inside the Darkness


Shortly after the battle on Endor, a incident took place when one of shadow’s supporters that survived on Earth called Zapata tried to kill Mendoza’s people because they were oneof the few that could save the Empire from it’s destruction. Before we defeat Zapata he captured Laila while she was in her slicing mission .When we defeated him, a shadow vessel shows up and destroyed the base with Zapata and Laila still inside but there’s evidence (can't be totally trusted , was given by damaged sensors) that she was somehow transported to the shadow vessel.

17 years after Endor.

 General Araujo’s task force receives an emergency call from the shipyards at Lelmra IV , they’re under attack by the New Republic . Looks like a tactical movement to make the Remnant more weak. When the task force arrives, they immediately launched all their fighters while the Diana , the Hunter and the Conciliator attacked the small gunship that was escorting the assault force and was moving into position to attack our fighters. Tau Squadron led a bombardment on the Bulwark Battlecruiser Alliance using Assault Gunboats armed with Advanced Torpedoes (first 3 ones) and Heavy Rockets (the rest). At the middle of the battle Araujo made a plan:   He have studied bulwark battlecruiser’s firepower stats and response capabilities . He found some weak points. In the aft port they have less firepower than a ISDII at it’s front side . And the almost-built ship was exactly what he need : an ISDII . If he could put the Star Destroyer behind the Bulwark…

But he need first to take command of the vessel . Since he was a cadet his duties were both starship crew stuff and fighter pilot missions ,as a lieutenant he was able to learn how to fly transports , and he was at the helm of some starships , as well as some serious fighter missions , as a commander leading a squadron and coordinating all fighter ops in the ship as well as helping the captain as a first officer, as a captain he still fly some fighter missions and coordinates fighter missions but the main duty was to command the whole ship and some other stuff like diplomacy and deal with some high rank personnel as well as some of politics. He didn’t liked too much that last part of the job.

But now he was a general so he have enough authority to order the captain of the vessel to proceed as he says. Now he isn’t commanding only one ship, he must coordinate the combined efforts of the various starships and fighter squadrons attached to the task force he led.  

So he suddenly turned up the commlink to the squad’s frequency and he said “This is Tau 1 : turn to the general frequency I have something to say to all the pilots, I’ve changed of planes”.

Then he turned his own radio to the general frequency . “Araujo to all hands: I've an idea I'll enter the SD . Tovar , Miranda , Janet keep the rebel fighters busy.” He hesitated for a moment expecting some of his people to ask him what he was about to do . He treated them with some degree of liberty and confidence allowing them to give their own opinions  a thing Araujo appreciate since they may discover a mistake in his tactics or his plans but this time they must trust him “don’t ask me anything, just do it” he added.  

He told then to the star destroyer “prepare the hangar bay to receive my gunboat”. The star destroyer’s communications officer acknowledged and then he made docking procedures to enter the hangar. Once inside he went to the command bridge as soon as he was able and assumed command of the vessel , then he asked the captain “how close is the construction of this ship to finish?”. The captain answer “90% sir we’re just fixing some stuff in the tractor beam projectors” , “what about the weapons  and engines ?” Araujo asked “they’re fully operational sir”  the captain said.

“Good , set coordinate 2x1x2 mark 1 in the shipyard and give me the coordinates of the battlecruiser ” Araujo asked.

“Sensors , report ” captain said turning to the sensors station at the bridge. The officer in charge was a young man , probably it is the first time he saw some action , no matter how well the academy prepares you , you will always scare at least a little the first time. In fact all the personnel in the bridge  were looking like if they were scared , perfect! they’re newbies. Hope that at least they remember well what they learned in the academy .

  The sensors station officer went with a coordinate of the republican huge starship “sir, enemy battlecruiser at 3 by 2 by 2 mark 1” . Same y axis coordinate than the factory it maybe means that the primary objective was the factory itself then the Star Destroyer as a secondary target .That and the still big distance between the battlecruiser and the Star Destroyer give the imperials an advantage “is the ship ready to move I mean it is still attached to the shipyard?”

“No general, we’re ready to execute the jump in the hyperspace whenever you order” the captain said happy to leave from this deadly situation.

Yes, the imperial will to fight was disappearing knowing they’ll always loose with the republic. But about withdrawing from battle , Araujo came from old school and  he just said dryly  “who said we’ll withdraw?, helm take us to 3 by 1 by 1.5 mark 2 assuming you can use float point coordinates”. Tactical map look like this.



The helmsman begin the procedure to move the vessel , Araujo told to his task force ”this is Araujo, we’re setting coordinates 2 by 1 by 2  mark 1 to the shipyard , the battlecruiser is at 3 by 2 by 2 mark 1 , disperse the ships a little thru battlecruiser’s front and right starboard ports, Tau squadron keep busy the left  starboard ,alphas I want that gunship eliminated”.    

Alpha 1 answer “sir we’ll do our best sir”. If things goes as he was thinking , Araujo would be able to make the new reps think he’s withdrawing the star destroyer , assuming it is a secondary objective and making the new reps think that he’s offering the two interdictors , the Victory II Star Destroyer and the shipyard in exchange for the star destroyer since it would be better to keep the most powerful ship , he then will be able to draw the bulwark’s attention while he silently moves into position  , there was another advantage: the reps  ignore that the star destroyer’s weapons and shields were fully operational . After reaching the coordinates Araujo said “move now to 3 by 3 by 2 mark 2 and get the weapon stations ready ” . That was a test the star destroyer’s captain never expected for his gunners but given the situation ... Looks like this general was about  to engage the battlecruiser . And if he was expecting to die he surely will die fighting but taking  the star destroyer’s crew with him . Of course the captain  reluctantly followed Araujo’s orders that wasn’t the moment for anything else .

“Sir weapon stations reports ready“ the tactical officer said. “Good , then get the starboard batteries firing at Bulwark’s weapon emplacements in the aft section , front batteries fire at the bulwark engines (he haven't the ship at a correct angle to use the tractors so he need a way to immobilize the vessel to make things easier )  and helm take us now to 3 by 2 by 2 head to the battlecruiser’s engines and hold relative position and distance the best you can”. Then he said “battle stations” and everybody was moving to their positions.  

The maneuver was effective . The star destroyer fired it’s turbolasers disabling many of the bulwark’s batteries in the aft section and took out 5 engines . One thing Araujo forgot was the fact that he wasn’t alone , the Diana’s captain understood the tactic and set the tractor beams to maximum and the two interdictors used their tractors and gravity well projectors to avoid the Bulwark from even veering a little, the 3 ships and the star destroyer still took heavy damage , some shoots came to the command bridge then something explodes near the star destroyer's captain killing him and two other officers. Araujo was wounded too but he just stood and said “don’t move and keep the pressure”. Alpha squadron was doing a great job they destroyed the gunship without any loses and they were now engaging the B Wings that were now turning to attack Araujo’s star destroyer, Commander Miranda now at the command of Iota Squadron  was wiping out all the A Wings despite the odds ( about 90 A wings vs. 12 TIE Advances) with the help of  TIE Advanced X1  Gamma squadron and two TIE Fighter squadrons launched from the factory. Alphas managed to destroy all B wings then enter the skirmish to help Miranda . She was taking out A Wings so easily that she just said to major Tovar “c’mon guy this is as funny as a shooting gallery” , fortunately for the imperials the New Republic this time rely on sheer numbers better than skill of their pilots .

At the end the battlecruiser ‘s shield generator’s power  get closer and closer to zero and the combined attack of  a ISDII, 12  Assault Gunboats and a Victory II Star Destroyer forced the ship to withdraw but there were the Interdictors …  the Bulwark disabled the Diana’s weapon systems and the interdictors just came out of fire range, the battlecruiser outran them. The only ship still fighting was Araujo’s star destroyer.

Perhaps the best choice was to let the ship go but something told Araujo he was close to destroy the ship and effectively two or 3 turbolaser shots later the battlecruiser’s hull explode. Yes Tau squadron was here still doing their job. They took out 70% of the hull with their rockets allowing the star destroyer to  do the rest with what was left of it’s weapons system. The explosion damaged even more the star destroyer but at the end the Empire has been victorious .

“Bulwark battlecruiser destroyed and enemy threat eliminated sir awaiting orders” . Was too obvious that the battlecruiser was destroyed. But Araujo didn’t laughed neither for what the guy said or for the victory. Many people died at this battle . War isn’t the thing everybody thinks, out there in the space were many bodies of pilots awaiting for recovery and dead officers and crew from both sides …or their pieces …no one is invincible and in war there’s no real winner only losers . He remember his dead friend Laila.

He suddenly order the communication ‘s officer to turn the frequency to speak to all imperial forces. “This is General Araujo . I congratulate all of you from the crew up to the command officers for the great job, what  we got here was almost impossible: a victory”  

Two days later Imperial Starfleet High Command reassigned Araujo back to the armada (he was relocated from the armada to the air space force first, because of his perfom as a starfighter pilot) and promoted Araujo to Vice Admiral given his skills to lead a task force, and offered to attach the star destroyer to Araujo’s task force he of course accepted he was only 30 minutes in the star destroyer but he felt that he know the crew and the vessel from all the life (of course they shared such a hard experience). He thinks that there’s something special about the ship and the crew.  His first order was to be allowed to speak to all the crew and officers he just said “I know the death and I know that beyond the dead there’s the hope and you gave hope to you and to all the people in the shipyard. I would like to share my own hope with you so … my second order will be to rename this ship with the name of someone who I loved and taught me that the Imperial Philosophy is the right way, someone who brought light to my world when I was thinking I was on the wrong place. From now this will be the Imperial II Class Star Destroyer Laila”. He felt a tear running thru his face: he was crying ...he haven’t cried before and he was unsure if he was crying of happiness or sadness or just the feeling of the moment . He spoke some words for a few minutes then he retired to his quarters. So the captain was dead doesn’t matter he can do the job… then he realized and suddenly said “Vice Admiral…. I was promoted!” , he’s now a high rank officer probably the youngest one wait that was Mónica. Suddenly the door opened, it was Nathalye she just look at him and smiled “vice admiral… I cannot believe it . You’re so young …but u did ok at that last battle”      

“I think so since we’re here and alive just waiting for the repairs to finish” Araujo spoke. We could be floating out there like the rep officers.

“Not you. Neither me and not right now” Nathalye said in a serious voice. The girl was all the time joking and happy even in the middle of an skirmish, she's serious only a few times and when she’s serious is because …she’s talking about some really serious stuff .

“What about you, you’re now this task force’s Wing Commander” Araujo said avoiding serious stuff;  he wasn’t in that mode he just want to rest. Nathalye just came back to her normal mode and smiled “guess we can celebrate in the station’s bar what do you think eh?” … “ok that’s fine for me let’s do it” Araujo said.

Some years after the death of Grand Admiral Thrawn  (which really applied the Imperial Philosophy and worked close and secretly with the First Ones)  precisely 18 years after the battle at Endor , the then Vice Admiral Araujo (one of Mendoza’s chosen at earth) and his task force following a mysterious vessel that has been attacking neutral & imperial worlds , intercepted the ship and engaged it . It was a Borg Cube . Araujo managed to capture the ship and analyze the ship’s  tech and a Laila’s second party of imperial engineering translate the ship’s log into basic and seize control of the ship learning how to manage the systems, they realize that they can give to the whole cube and its personnel orders like if they were a huge computer. Araujo took the info and reported it to Mendoza . Then Mendoza  was feeling that the moment to tell the truth is now so he told to Araujo (ok, ok me ….back to real life everything I’m telling you about this new incident is a mix up of what I have in mind and what he said and he also added something ,the guy told me this new stuff the Sunday so I added it in that way) : vorlons and the shadows were trained by the 1st ones and they’re supposed to teach us how to created and maintain a strong empire to allow several races to envelop in peace  and order . The vorlon’s colony on this galaxy envelop but they trusted too much in their tech and then they started to be lazy and lazy and lazy until they did anything and for yet unknown reasons they disappeared so only the shadows were able to train the humans, they ensure to make both the rest of the vorlon and the first ones thinks that that vorlon colony was ok . The humans created by themselves the Republic but the were ignored by the shadows as they managed to manipulate a Jedi to separate from the light Jedi creating the dark jedis and then convinced the dark jedi to learn how to use the powers that a race called the siths were using  in their civilization. They created the dark jedis expecting to rule thru them and then have enough power to domain the vorlon . 

And now the vorlon sent one of the races they trained , the Borg, to investigate the whereabouts and the status of the ongoing process with the humans .

Meanwhile the Imperial Remnant separates in several clans led some of them by warlords making what’s left of the official Empire even more weak . Mendoza’s people accepted to have high command positions and the Imperial Remnant went know also with the name Mendoza’s people took …this name sounds like supporting the official Empire but admitting that they’re no longer the official Empire because they arent the biggest imperial faction although they're official Empire supporters .The official Empire is dead they’re just a small group ,so the new name was Imperial Armada.

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