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Chapter IX


Working Together.


19 years after  Endor. 

The Pellaeon –Gavirsom treaty is signed and the Imperial Remnant was in peace with the New Republic.

A year later Vice Admiral Araujo finished experimental modifications on his flagship and the Imperial III Class Star Destroyer was created , Mendoza decide it will be more easy if the Empire keep this tech as a secret so there’s only one in existence , the Laila

This galaxy’s Human Empire was created but not succeeded , and the Republic was restored and grew stronger (more enveloped for the shadows ) . Shadows came back to continue training and take the “credits” , but what they were really looking for was seizing control on the most powerful on galaxy, infiltrating the power structure silently to avoid any change (that could be dangerous for them) , and manipulating secretly the leaders and exterminating any threat to the New Republic (including the Empire).

22 years after Endor the First Ones and Rear Admiral Screed decides that it’s time to bring some strength to the Empire so the Hidden Fleets officially join the Imperial Remnant know also as Imperial Armada. This secret was still being held by the Empire from New Republic and Talon Karrade’s agency because they’re suspected (New Reps) to be touched by the shadows and Karrade will inform the New Republic so that’s y we keep him away too.

Also Rear Admiral Screed and Palpatine’s advisors have a copy of Thrawn’s genetic code and the last Palpatine clone , a Thrawn clone is created not as smart as the original one but quite good in his job (commanding stuff). The Emperor’s mind was modified and he’s no longer a dark jedi neither light one just a normal human , a diplomatic leader and a defender of our Imperial Philosophy he’s no longer ruthless with his enemies and he have no enemies he welcomes both the women and the aliens and brings unity and strength to Imperial Armada.

The Republic Navy under the command of manipulated leaders and some shadow supporters and disguised shadows start a series of attacks against the Imperial Remnant .

The vorlon thru the borg reach imperial space with another two ships .They offer their powerful cubes and the vorlon’s guidance to fight and defeat the shadows . The First Ones just told Mendoza “don’t trust in the vorlon, because the fair game is over” , in fact the vorlon realized about what happened and they want to teach a lesson to the shadows without getting involved in combat , just using us to fight them. But directly facing them would destroy what’s left of the Empire so Mendoza rejected. And told Admiral Pellaeon about a big problem coming in but he wasn’t authorized to tell him more … Pellaeon asked “who doesn’t authorize you” Mendoza answer “the secret order sir, for the good of the Empire we must keep it in secret”.

“If you don’t tell me about it I cannot do anything so why telling me and giving me yet another reason to worry?” Pellaeon countered.

Mendoza answer “because perhaps this stuff will involve the whole Empire and the Republic too very soon sir…just be ready sir and trust me”

A few words later , Mendoza was committed  to investigate about this threat  and he took the liberty to contact General Bel Ilbis just when he was about to contact us . For Bel Ilbis the situation was very weird . The last thing the Republic would want is war with the Empire again.

Bel Ilbis agreed to support our effort in defeat the shadows .

Shadows continued the attacks thru the Empire , the final attack to the homeworld of the last opposition to their reign: the Empire , or what’s left of the Empire. The part of the Republic Navy that wasn't under control of the shadows, help the Imperial Remnant to protect Bastion. The shadow used little beings that control another being’s mind to control the New Republic Navy commanders, the shadows agents inside the NRN were all aboard the Colossus the biggest ship in the Republic. This ship appears to be invincible and was about to bombard Bastion while destroying NRN uncontrolled ships (that were helping the Empire) when the Laila (now refitted with borg tech) suddenly arrives and fired it’s axial superlaser and destroyed the Colossus. Many of the shadows died with the Colossus .  

Except for two fanatical republican leaders ….one of them was Zapata yes, he’s still alive and the other one was General Kaiya Andrimetrum somehow she’s still alive. They flee and agreed to keep the alliance with the shadows. Meanwhile Bel Ilbis and me agreed that the best way to keep the galaxy save was to eliminate the shadows . 

Now i'm writting again =)

After the Battle I was promoted to Admiral and I was given command of the 222st task fleet, the biggest one in the Empire  : 373 ships of all types used by the Empire and the Laila was the flagship. The former 222’s commander, Rear Admiral Screed becomes my second in command as well as Wing Commander Nathalye Miranda and the Thrawn’s clone was the Laila’s captain, we called him Thraawn he’s blue and with red eyes aww I’m not good telling details about how a person looks like .  

While we patrolled the systems that the shadows are supposed to be and tracked down both Zapata and Andrimetrum and destroyed them , Bel Ilbis forces exterminated the shadows. I was charged also with the mission to destroy the Borg inside Imperial space .

Two months after my promotion to admiral, Laila’s soul shows up and told me that she’s dead but she was given the chance to find a way (by the First Ones) to stay with me (read it as find a body) she decided that would be helpful (didn’t understand at the moment how it can be useful) if she takes the ISDIII itself as her body so from that moment the ship becomes someway …alive

When needed, systems repair alone , navigation is held by Laila herself allowing me to control the whole craft like if it were a fighter .

22 years after Endor ex-admiral Daala accepted to rejoin Imperial Starfleet thanks to the talks with Pellaeon and Hidalgo .

When the shadows were eliminated from the galaxy by the combined effort of the Empire and the New Republic, a relatively brief period of peace came to allow both nations to rebuild  what was destroyed .

Years later The shadow’s allied races decided to revenge their friend's losses in this galaxy and the executors were a race called the Yuuzahn Vong .

So they entered the galaxy with one purpose : vengeance ….revenge their dead comrades (like the drak against earth Babylon 5).

Meanwhile Grand Admiral Mónica Hidalgo has been assigned by Supreme Commander, Admiral Gilad Pellaeon to contact and reunite the several imperial warlords and clans created some years before the peace treaty . Pellaeon himself helps the Republic in the fight against the Vong . Wing Commander Nathalye Miranda was promoted to General , assigned a small fleet and ordered to capture as many vessels from pirate and rogue clans as she can .The Empire was using the typical imperial way in this case : join us in a friendly way or join us in a different way so the Empire will get all these ships, they're necessary for the war effort,when war finish, they'll be released and will be given to their former owners. Miranda will be periodically provided of infantry troops and fighter wings. And I was finishing my mission of eliminate borg presence in our space. Admiral Daala was helping Hidalgo with her mission and the others I don’t remember at this moment.

The humans on earth allied with the First Ones, after they leave Earth,developed the knowledge and technology neccesary to build something likea third-party military force .The so-called Earth Defense Squadron 's mission is to protect the Earth from any threat , even from the Empire . Maybe they think that the Empire is touched by the shadows , it was true for a while but the called "New Empire" is much more like the original project and it is also peady to deal with shadow and vorlon threats . The Empire will never be manipulated or driven away from it's man objective: to protect ,serve and help the citizens from all races.With time , Mendoza realized of EDs existence and asked General Miranda to establish an alliance with them.Actually the Empire is allied with the New Republic and other Republic Factions that decalred independent from the Republic after the Shadow incident and the Vong invassion (to avoid Vong attacks I guess), also we are allied with lot of imperial-like factions that like the republic ones , declared the independence from the Empire ,as well as many neutral organizations ,countries and civilizations.We have no enemies but the Shadows,the Vorlon and the Vong at this time.  

So that’s our story…. now let’s see how it finish =) sorry to talk too much about me but I wrote most of the stuff so I can give details and I wanted to tell my story ... Carlos and Mon told me a lot of things but they didint wanted to write about themselves but anyway thanks to them for the help and thanks to people. I hope you can help me too in writing this story .

Just one more thing : the stuff with the bulwark battlecruiser really worked in swr I used 6 T/D squadrons , an ISDII and an interdictor . The other guy started to attach the INT with the half of the A wings and the other half attacking the TD,  the bulwark battlecruiser attacked the T/Ds too and that was all the distraction I was needing . I lost all my T/Ds and the interdictor but I forced the guy to withdraw since the bulwark’s shield generator power went to zero and shields were at half strength ... a miracle or the guy was too dump ..I’ll never know but one thing is sure: in IA I was promoted to vice admiral.

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