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Last update: 08.20.2002 19:49


Imperial Navy Members Area.



Nathalye's  Imperial  Photo  Album

I just messed around in a CD Alex gave me b4 leaving with all XWA mods the one I'm using for the pics..and I found this pics...He have also some pics I took with his camera...Inside his darkness he have a light as well as Hidalgo and me ...I'll post Monica's pics soon =).

  +  = 

I made this with PhotoEditor .This should be IN's Logo . Ok I have a lot of imagination and IN members aren't only from Venezuela =)  But Bolívar said that the "Empire of Law and Justice must rule thru the people"  so there's two of the 3 things I love in this life together!! my country and the Empire. And I miss both =(

Ok ok I don't like to take pics of myself ...Alex took one and I didint realize until it was too late so don't be so disappointed


lmao....I'm not so ugly you know...=)


This is Captain MW Alex said he's his best friend . Never saw the guy until I checked this CD this is pic he got from the guy, looks like he's trying to sell a book lol Alex just said .."you got to meet the guy he's as crazy as ya Nathy"

I asked Alex to send this pic to me in order to post it .He sent it via email but after I realized that it is on the CD. You must agree with me ...Caracas is beautiful!. And ... ok this looks like a normal day in Caracas.. But Alex took this pic and told me that he took it the next morning after Chávez returned to that wasn't only a new day it was the beginnin of a new era ...I learned to see the "ranchos" as my allies...This is the beggining of a new era on South América because US and/or the rich aren't able anymore to ignore our the people is the ruler of it's own country ...."ˇˇˇAlerta alerta que camina la espada de Bolívar por América Latina!!!"

This is one pic I took from Plaza Venezuela..... I love my country =)

I think this was at the lab.. two semesters ago...was one of those traction tests I recall

See how the stuff changed it's shape???

I told to a friend to say hello to all my internet friends... this was his answer brb....

Another pic on the CD . This is Alex with his friend Miguel, Alex's the guy at the right , seems to be that he always dress in black

This guy is even worst than me he ran away because (I guess) he doesn't want to show on a pic....but I'm a bad girl and I'm posting it online since Alex gave to me the pic.......hahahaha

A little joke to someone who is with the opposition (that's what Alex told me) ;) from someone who supports the goverment.

Alex's Birds they're so cute....I took this pic they didn't scared like other birds =)

This is Sethra (dressed in black that's what Alex said) looks like I'm not the only girl playing in XWA that's good but what Alex said about her isn't as good =( he said: "she's pretty" 

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