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Last update: 08.22.2002 12:25



Usually I'm cool with newbies but I don't like when they believe they could own I let them play me and defeat me one time , change name then fuck them so hardcore that they will never enter XWA again. My point is...that someone's fall will be even more harder than a standard victory when that person think he's the best cuz he got a victory. Sometimes I don't go with that shit and I proceed directly into the target like this examples just one more thing: as you can see most people quits at the 7th 8th kill ...only one stay long enough to be humiliated by me, then after 23 kills he convinced he would not have a chance against me and then he quitted. I'm so sorry for makin 'em cry but I was on bad mode....they were so innocent people 

or this

ok this one wasn't so owning . I promise I'll do it better =) . I agree with next' pic dude's point before the game... he will lose....

My record... gone in 15 seconds....a pity I quitted then.

My latest recruit eliminator quitted and I discharged all my wrath with this newcomer...OK I was a bad girl...but I was looking for blood. What can I do?


Yet another average game. Note: X Wings doesn't suck is the guy the one that sucks. lmao

This was against 3 guys...

Yes, the guy deserved the game. Look at this...his T/D vs my T/F

Again vs Luke.If I only were at Endor =)

This time he hosted.

Now look at this: I hate when ppl writes in caps

Yes it is a loong hell

Now he's hosting

Griffin just used IA as a platform for his MGI... I saw the chat log between he and Araujo, Araujo was suspecting about that and made a letter to Griffin but ...I told him "remember we're just proceeding in this way to learn how people in the internet acts when you rely on them...and how recruits reacts when their recruiter leaves the clan" . They have loyalty only to a man not a cause like we do. From this moment They're my enemies and as the enemy I'll own them. So I pretended that I took this stuff personally for a moment and look at the results: this happens..."when Nathalye attacks". First he was hosting. Stuff was too jumpy but still I owned him


When I hosted I produced exactly same result , notice that he said the same sentence "damn, my connection is shit" and I answer with the same "yes, too jumpy" .....isn't it a deja-voo ? I'd better post twice the same game instead of wasting yet another 5 minutes of my life with this loser.

I can do the same with all MGI n00bs...

This is Lord_SoulSteall I apply with him my technique: I let the guy win the first game he flied a TIE interceptor and I was on a TIE Fighter, we were 2-2 then he killed me then he quit the game just to say "she quitted". So the guy was thinking he's the best...and he won with advantage....then I log as DTM_Avenger1 and I owned him on both hosts 7-0 ,8-0 TI vs TF ofc I was the tf .It's a pity that I didn't take pics but he's online and I'm about to fuck him and I'll tell him who's really DTM_Avenger1 just to humiliate him a little =)  My pilot file is Spore the same I used to get DS's MB url. I'm writing this while I wait for SoulSteall so I promise I'll crush him with all my wrath, hopefully he'll not quit at 7st or 8st kill. Ok I should play with another name......what about SexyPilot? ;)..done! I made the new plt file now I'll take another zone name... rdy : ReaperNM . Now here's the pic when he's hosting ...I'll fly TIE Fighter while he fly a TIE Interceptor. Ok if the guy returns because he quitted when I was writing this and he never logged in the zone again hahaha...way to go Nathalye yet another n00bness..I'd own the guy first....brb 

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