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Last update: 08.22.2002 12:34



This' the game results

This' the only thing I'll dedicate to WTF and /or another clans ok DS are cool as well as many others.

DS= "Dick Suckers"

IA = "Idiots Anonymous" or "Imperial Assholes"

NRN = "Nerds Retards and N00bs" or "New Republic N00bs" 

MGI = "Moronic Gay Imperium" or "Moron , Gay , Idiot" or "More Gay Impossible" or "Most Gay Idiot"

WTF= "Why They Fuck themselves" or " Why They're Fools"  or "Want That somebody Fuck me" or better yet!: "Whore Tittle-tattler & Fucked" or "Whore Trull Foolish" or just BadtzMaru ;) 

FTS= "Fools Talking Shit" or "Fuck That Shit" that last one was idea of Ristar (one of many)  thanks a lot  to the Ristar Empire ;)

CRK.= Crackers???

TLord = "Totally n00b Lord" ...notice that TLord_Hunter's name should be "TLord_Cunter"

RSF= "Really Stupid Fools"

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