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Last update: 08.23.2002 11:02




Before the game starts the first n00b told this one that I'm a he was convinced that "I'm a cheater" after this little game...with jumpy craft and advantage (I was on my T/F) I won ...still I don't own him I could do it better but I was annoyed , in fact I just pasted how WTF -a lot  of them ...cowardly- spent their time arguing with what they called a "12yrs old megalomaniac" lol. How could someone sit and argue with a 12 years old girl eh?....unless they're 12yrs old too =D. Meanwhile I'm looking fwd to collect my worst games yep when someone owns me like asylum and nw and sespetox...wait I own him I just won 1st game lol then I didn't care about next four games.  Well also I'll post my typos...last one was good "IA_CmderMiranda>then you admit that retard exits" hahaha, I was trying to write "exists". WTF says they need supercomputers to understand what I'm writing ...ok ppl usually understands me in English so if they aren't able to understand me is because they're soo retards. And nw is better yet, he doesn't believe I'm a girl heh.  

One thing is sure. In the moment you learn to lose and admit that there's always someone better than you, then you will no longer take care about win or lose, neither if you're a n00b or not , neither if someone owns you or not ..or if you own someone or not. Yep I just "play" but there's ppl who takes too serious this stuff and takes almost personally the sole fact of own someone. So when you learn to lose plus the fact that there's always someone better than you, then you will -without realizing- start to win. Like I did ;). Until the moment I'm having only victories and when someone owns me then I use it as an opportunity to learn  what I did wrong and what are my mistakes. And why not? laugh at yourself a little like if you were laughing at other person ...just that only you will understand the joke and only you can laugh all that you want , ok you can let others too. That's the spirit of an imperial warrior. AAAA didn't realize : this is the wrong font!!!!!    

Well this was with a DS guy....want to know what I think about DS? just ask me for the link

Just one last thing: Most ppl acts like a guy called SMlvenom or something like that ..."join me to destroy and conquer". Admiral Araujo told me a few years ago "it's easy to destroy something but can you build something?. That's the difference between our organization and other clans. Of course that the game's over with the peace" -still there's some tournaments like wow, of course, without the lag- "but don't you remember that Carlos" -Mendoza- "created some additional RPG games where the goal is to keep the peace to provide the imperial-aligned planets with the necessary conditions for the development of the people. It's a hard exercise to rule a peaceful reign and to keep the order. So b4 destroying anything think twice about the price not for the enemy, but the price for the civilians...after the engagement you are claiming for the enemy's territory but also you are claiming for the enemy's former responsibilities... remember that Natty ". I think Alex's right.

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