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Last update: 08.24.2002 13:28


Well well looks like I own Tlord ..the same my T/F vs. his T/I

This was during the game

and this was the outcome ...this was for all my newcomer friends ;)


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It was a long time ago . And I think these are the pics of the game between dj &me ...took a lot of time to find'em. This is the first pic I took if remember well . KittyKlaws asked why I'm doing this to all WTF . I said...because of the flood in our mb, she just said "they weren't all WTF" ....I say that they should be against me not against all IA... and ofc I'll not let 'em own my clan and if there's people acid enough in the world they are the engineers and the engineering Dilbert...I'm just doing what an engineering student does ;) I don't think that WTF owns shit but I can't let'em say whatever they want about me and my people while I'm quiet....sorry but I can't .This is the last thing I do in my "retribution" to WTF. In the university the only people concerned about calling others "newbies" are the newbies themselves. People who from the beginning study and make the effort and enjoy the career aren't newbies no matter if they're in 1st semester. Same with zone. People who plays a lot no matter how old is the game, people who really likes XWA and enjoy playing it like DS NRN and BLESS aren't newbies. Newcomers who enter and play funny skirmishes aren't n00bs.I think that they deserve respect. If someone is relatively new in the zone that doesn't means the he/she is a n00b. In my case it took a short time to get familiar with the zone latency. If they call me n00b and I'm here playing without cheating, without hiding in lagg then I don't mind if they call me n00b...then, what they think is an insult , for me is a good thing. Next target is TLord. Also I don't care if you use this against me...I've enough chat logs about you WTF and suppose I don't have them still I don't care. I won against DJK and I could beat any WTF in any moment if I want. Don't believe me? look at the following picture =)...same game as always, my TF vs. his TI ..I think he hosted...still I won.

Ah well still if you want to cry or to say how much you "love" me, here's a message board c'mon post whatever you want to flood? then flood here. For me, this is over my darling.

Nathalye's "friends" 

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