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Last update: 08.18.2002 19:15



Imperial Starfleet Main Holonet Web Site 

"We belong to sadness and darkness and we shall return..."


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Inner Darkness



The Empire 's IDoDS (Imperial Department of Defense's Starfleet), well known as Imperial Starfleet is in charge of the defense, security, research and development and the successful accomplishment of the Law and Order in the Empire. It's main organization is the Imperial Navy, in charge of most of Starfleet's tasks .

Imperial Starfleet is the only organization in the Empire with the permission to own the monopoly of the violence and the weapons necessary to accomplish it's missions 

Imperial Starfleet directives are:

1) To protect thru military procedures the sovereignty of the Imperial Space.

2) To provide of internal security and the necessary public order to all the imperial citizens. This means the maintenance of internal order.

3) To collaborate and keep active cooperation in the development of the Empire as a nation as well as each of it's members. 

4) Subordination to the authority.

This site contains information about Navy's organization, fleets, current theater of operations as well as a complete story about the Empire in all this years from it's creation to the actual conflict with the Yuzzanh Vong and our alliance with the New Republic against the Vong. Also we have included a downloads section with our patches to XvA, XWA (using opts from many people and opts of our own) and SWR plus a mission pack to XvT and XWA to help both IN members and the visitors to understand our story and what is our mission .


Serve the Empire...


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Are you looking for Darkness? go to this site first ,then come back here 

No N00bs allowed (read it as WTF and other IA "cute" enemies)