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Time Measurement.

"Galactic standard" timekeeping measurements are derived from those which originated on Coruscant. While many planets maintain there own timekeeping methods based on their local planetary cycles, all official communications and records use galactic standard measures. There are 60 standard minutes in a standard hour, 24 standard hours in a standard day, five standard days in a standard week and seven standard weeks in a standard month. A standard year is 368 standard days; ten standard months plus three fete weeks and three more holidays, all devoted to traditional celebrations, festivals, and observances. 

In Star Wars the Actual time for our group could be: 200024. year zero is the one that the Taungs finally controlled Coruscant. The time format is as folows:

Using same format with Earth time measurement ,the time is.


But we'll use this format : year-month-day-hour:minute


This will be the first mark to make an officer log so the log could start with the date i.e. my own log. this is a log with some real stuff just cuz I didin't knew what to write but make sure to write about sw in the log .that would help with the story. Just write at least one time per month ..or whenever you want ok ;)

ED means Earth Date

" Admiral's log , stardate 200024. ,  ED_2002-08-1-11:04

With the creation of this site I expect we create a strong support structure to finally establish an IN division with non local members and then make our group more stronger and with an international support. I'm going to university to know about some of my marks on 3 tests I made last 2 days . Hopefully I'm now in the proffesional school. I would like to have more time to finish the site buyt I'll take summer classes and Mendoza ordered me to keep on my own, I mean I can't use any IN local member I must recruit people from the internet ,like starting a clan from nothing I think that he's tryin to teach me something about how can someone manage his/her resources to be successful in any operation. Like playin age of empires or battlegronds. with nothing at the beginning."
