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Along the tree line, there rises an extensive trail of dust, jetting, propelling from the wheels of one of the massive work horses designed to take loads from or to the conveyor or to a discrete location of development. On days when you can see this dust, the wind likely isn’t blowing in your direction. But during the late hours of night and early morning while the wind is blowing in the residents directions; then is when you will here the factory at work. Fine dust permeates the area of an unknown source which is an ailment to any student’s sinus and respiratory system. You hear things like “Man, I think this air and that lake is unclean and hazardous to anyone around it, especially those who swim in the water itself!” As a student who attains his food through the food service plan as a full time resident, he can’t eat on the weekends so he has to either fast or, ask people for food, which is humiliating to do. The reason for this act of slyness is even more preposterous than the effect created. It is because, in the crooked eye of the universities commanding center, there is not enough food bought from the cafeteria on Saturday and Sunday than needed for our institution to gain satisfactory profit. Certain students aren’t getting the vital nutrients they need during the weeks end, which carries a vast energy output, and their bodies and minds are taking the toll. How is it possible to properly study if you are hungry and worrying if you will get your food? Fatigue is the procrastinator’s ally in this battle. As one gets the urge to smoke a cigarette in hopes to clear their mind they are in for a tricky hike. Not allowed is the smoking near doors. One must increase respiratory circulation to reverently smoke a cigarette while under suspicions of being watched. If a police officer spies you with a clear glass of ice water he is very inclined to check in order to make sure it is not vodka. “Excuse me, what is that you have there?” The suspect replies in an alerted tone, “This? This is a black and mild cigarette.” Then the officer gets direct and replies back, “I don’t care what you’re smoking, I just want to know what is in that cup of yours.” This type of inquiry sets a man into a defensive mode because, quite possibly, you are in trouble for something you didn’t even know you did. So in reply to the officer’s investigation you say, “It’s just water.” The officer replies, “Really, let me see that.” After you hand him your cup in submission he looks at it, smells it, and has a disappointed look on his face as he goes “Hmmm.” Is it really necessary for it to be that difficult to smoke a cigarette, besides the many health ailments already in association? Post facto, your heart rate has increased even further from this encounter. Agitated and quite nervous from this event you run back up the stairs to hike triumphantly to your room, or sanctuary where you are not permitted to smoke or quote on quote, “relax”. At the very least it should be permitted to smoke in a comfortable chair on your own balcony near your front door. All of the above is uncanny and a hazard to one’s health, physically and emotionally.


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