OHA Niagara District Junior C Hockey Club




Wednesday, January 20th, 2010

Linesman improves

Kevin Brown, the Ontario Hockey Association official who had his throat slashed during a game in Woodstock on Dec. 29 has shown some improvement in the past few days.

During a Saturday night Junior C game in Mitchell it was announced over the public address system that Brown had been moved out of critical care earlier in the day.

Brown, who lives on a farm near Kinkora, is still in the trauma unit at Victoria Hospital in London and, according to an OHA press release, he will soon begin physical therapy at Parkwood Hospital in London to assist with restoring feeling and mobility to the left side of his body.

Saturday night in Mitchell saw a near sell-out crowd in support of the fund-raiser for Brown. There were silent auction items and the Hawks' portion of the 50-50 draw was being turned over to the Brown family. The Hawks' portion was announced at $900. The holder of the winning 50-50 ticket did not come forward and the winner's portion of the 50-50 draw was not claimed. It too will be turned over to the Brown family.

It was announced at the end of the game Saturday night that the Hawks had raised $5,902 for the injured linesman.

(Source Sentinel-Review)