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Interviews, Chibi Karasus and Song Lyrics, OH MY!

This page is a littl vacant right now. But, I put this page aside especially for these coming attractions. Here will be links to pages created by myself, Karasu-Chan and other lucky members devoted to Karasu-Sama.

We'll be putting up a cute interview if not a series Talk-Show. LOL. Karasu-Chan has also suggested a list to tell if you are obsessed with Karasu-Sama. I look forward to working with her on that one.

Song Lyrics aren't exactly Karasu-Based as there ARE no songs or musical interludes for Karasu on the YYH soundtracks. However, we of the Karasu-Sama Nest believe there are songs out there that fit him to a tee and we plan on posting lyrics for a few here.

But wait, there's MORE! CHIBI KARASU! What is that? Kawaii wittle Karasu figures for you to ooh and awwwww over and perhaps even adopt. We're still working on that one. ^.~ We'll keep you posted.

Why Me? A Kurama/Karasu Poem for kicks

Karasu and the Youko

Song Lyrics

Chibi Karasu Adoptions!

The Infamous Interviews

Jokes and Humor- warning....sense has little place here.

Karasu Obsessions....Do You Have One?

Manga/DJ Clips

Karasu Look-Alikes and Those Who Remind Us of Karasu

I Support

This is for the other Karasu, YYH, Yaoi/Yuri and Anime groups/sites that I support and wish the best of blessings and luck. I hope to see many of these icons and watch them multiply as the site grows older. I wish to welcome new sites to the anime community and hope the older ones will embrace myself and those after me with open wings.

And if I didn't support myself, where would I be? Thank you, Youko Koenma, Karasu-Chan and the many other drooling YYH/Karasu/Kurama fans who gave me the confidence to create Karasu's Nest.


Next: Links & Groups