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Don't Fear the Reaper

What? Who is Karasu? Well, I suppose we should explain a few things, ne?

Karasu is a character from the anime: Yu Yu Hakusho, also called The Poltergiest Report and Ghost Files. Karasu doesn't show up until some time into the series.

He's introduced as a member of the Toguro Team, a team created for a tournament of skills, wits and kung-fu {or so my subs say}. Toguro created this team with himself, his older brother {who rides on his shoulders}, Bui the armored teammate and Karasu, the bomb-master.

Karasu is introduced before the Toguro Team is ready to fight but does very little. Even when the battles begin, Karasu does very little in the series before his death by Kurama.

Karasu is a ruling class Youkai. What that means, I'm not sure....but it's obvious Karasu is recognized as a very powerful youkai. His powers were originally shrouded in mystery, and misconcepted by others.

What IS his power? Good question. Let's start with the obvious. Karasu has speed, a high jump, agility and sharp eyes in his favor. But that's just the dry crust of the icing on top of the cake. Karasu can produce, shape, control and manipulate gunpowder and explosive materials in the air around him. These creations are normally unseen to ningen {human} eyes, which gives him an advantage.

However, to youkai eyes, these bombs, grenades, dynamite sticks, etc are seen clearly, yet there's still the trial of dodging them. Karasu is able to create "living" bombs, which can see, speak, bite, and use other senses. They can even fly. Despite even THIS powerful advantage, Karasu still has more to him than meets the eye...and it's not just pretty eyes.

Karasu, in case you haven't noticed.....wears a mask that covers the majority of his lower face. This isn't a fashion statement. Karasu has a very sick and twisted mind, and the mask is a form of insurance....making sure he doesn't cause mass destruction at the slightest tingle of an urge. By way of mouth, Karasu can draw in {breathe in, suck in, drink in} enough explosive materials in the air to power himself up into a walking time bomb. The power is built up and then ignited by his hands...which leaves a few seconds of panic before he allows himself to blow up. However, the explosion does no harm to his personal self.

Karasu has a very strange personality. He seems unphased by the world around him most of the time, seemingly lost in thought or observing very hard. Overall, he's quiet and observant. His friends, if you call them friends have reason to fear him less than anyone closer. Karasu is unable to love in the way normal people do. For some unknown reason, Karasu turns to sadistic methods to show his love and effection. Where in most cases, to normal people, these things would perhaps be sex or even stalking...Karasu has a liking in death and feels the best way to show love for something is to kill it in his own hands. In his eyes, everything dies...even the ones we he wants to do it himself, rather than wait.

I suppose he DOES have an ounce or two of innocence, as he mentions feeling a little sad when he kills the ones he loves. However, this is outwieghed by his demented highs, which fuel, excite and encourage the method.

In case you don't know, Karasu has a liking for Kurama, our red headed good guy. Karasu seems to prefer the Suiichi form {Kurama's human form} over Youko {his fox form}, finding his face appealing. Kurama's affections are not at all returned and it's obvious there is a deep hatred. The reason for Kurama's hatred could be fear, or perhaps there are other reasons. Where Karasu is involved, things are rather up in the air. But one thing we learned was that good does not always win over dark. During the battle between Karasu and Kurama, though Karasu was killed, he still won over Kurama.


Q: Why does Karasu wear a mask? Does he need it all the time?

A: No, he doesn't really NEED it if you think really hard on it. However, I think everyone would feel MUCH better if he kept it on. Karasu wears the mask to "dampen" his own abilities so he doesn't go blowing things up and making mass destruction at every twitch and urge. Almost makes you think he has remorse, ne? For safety sake, he wears it, though, if he were more inclined to just chill out, he prolly wouldn't need it as bad. However, not everyone thinks as deeply as I do. If your looking flat at the series and don't look any further into anything else....then I'm afraid I'd have to say the series alone infers Karasu needs his mask.

Q: What's with the hair?

A: Meaning the transformation from lovely black strands to clumpy blond ones? Think of it like a light bulb....when you give a light bulb a lot of juice, it lights up and gets bright. Similar with Karasu. When he powers up, his hair changes color to signify when he's reached the peak of his power. Think of Dragonball or X-Men....anyone dealing with strange powers like that seem to have blond or white hair.

Is Karasu gay?

A: Do you think he's gay? I personally think he's bi, myself. It seems in Yu Yu Hakusho {or generally in anime} it doesn't matter if the gender is male or female when it comes to love. It's a matter of opinion. Yes, he loved Kurama....but it doesn't mark him as 100% homosexual....he may very well be attracted to females to. We don't see enough of Karasu to know him inside and out.

Q: What does Karasu mean?

A: Karasu is Japanese for Crow or Blackbird. Quite befitting for Karasu's appearance, ne?

Q: Do Karasu's bombs have minds of their own?

A: I personally don't think so. Karasu says, when revealing himself, that he can control and manipulate the bombs he creates into any form and nature he desired. This means he provides his bombs with a specific feature that it carries out. Giving a bomb eyes and wings makes it suitable for tracking, chasing and speed, whereas those with just mouths and teeth are mostly just to look ugly. Talking bombs most likely are "programmed" or designed to say specific things. But that's MY opinion. The bomb that spoke to Kurama said very little and something that would most likely be pre-planned with little effort on Karasu's part. But, I suppose that's open to your own judgement.

Q: Why a talking bomb?

A: Why not?

Q: If Karasu was really in love with Kurama, why try to kill him instead of living happily ever after?

A: That doesn't sound like Karasu, now does it? Though, that is the Karasu in more than one fanfiction. Karasu has a past we know nothing about. Perhaps he's just flat out crazy, perhaps he's bitter and vengeful, or perhaps he was raised into being that way. We don't know. But Karasu says it all himself....that even the ones we love have to die sometime. He feels better knowing he can kill his loved ones with his own hands, rather than deal with death by surprise, which has a tendancy to just crush some people. It's scary to think that Karasu almost makes sense with this methos/idea. It's obvious he does feel guilt or remorse, as he's admitted that. He says he feels a little sad when he kills someone he loves. However, something in his twisted little mind gets off on the suffering and death....and it excites him into a high which he can't explain. My opinion? Karasu needs some serious Xannex.

Q: Does Karasu feel differently about Youko than Suuichi?

A: I know Karasu prefers Suiichi over Youko. But, I don't think he DISlikes the Youko. He even admits that he likes Kurama {and Kurama was in Youko form at the time he said it}, so I don't think it matters. Youko is certainly more of a match for Karasu, as the degree of difficulty is raised and they are a more equal ground. Youko seems very calm about Karasu and his power and is unphased by anything Karasu does {cept maybe when he blew up the plant}.

Q: If Youko and Suiichi acted so differently, is it possible Youko had different feelings for Karasu than his human counterpart?

A: It's possible. Youko didn't hate Karasu as much as his human counterpart. He actually enjoyed messing with him. Or so my subs say. Youko was a little dissappointed in beating Karasu in 5 minutes and wanted to "play a little longer." It's obvious he enjoyed the battle, despite his earlier remark that he was going to kill Karasu. As for the motive....who knows. We're talking about Youko....and the motives are always messed up when Youko is involved. LOL.

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