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I Think I'm Paranoid

Rules? Karasu's Nest has rules? Well...uhm....yeah, of course it does.

1. No flaming, no insults, nothing intentionally hurtful. After all, we work very hard on our fanwork, and though critiquing is alright, please don't be viscious. We don't like the terms "it sucks" nor do we like to see it and not see a reason WHY. So, if you can't be big boys and girls about it...don't say anything at all.

2. No prejudice, racism, religion-bashing, so on. We have all kinds of people who are welcome here.

3. For the convenience of us all, when submitting fanwork, please rate it. I mean, if it's racey or has yaoi or something in it, give us some fair warning. Most submissions can fit under this format:




4. Yaoi and Yuri IS permitted, but let's not get downright pornographic, aight? I also allow profanity, since YYH DOES use it, but also, use some class.

5. Moderator and Co-Mod have the final say. We forgive....but if you keep pushing buttons...well...Karasu-Sama won't like it.

Geez, if I have to actually WRITE down everything I expect of you, we may have a problem. ^;^ Let's try and be mature human beings about this.

On another note. The Yahoo site has a few features that may be interesting to you. We do have some polls up there for your entertainment. Upon submitting work to the proper place on the files....why not stop by the Database link? Why? Well, becuz I have an Index there. It's like one-stop shopping so newbies can find a specific file in a hurry alphabetically and then learn who the creator was and so forth. It's nifty.


Well, care to join Karasu's Nest Mailing List? If so, there are several ways to join. One way is to sign onto your Yahoo account and go here and click the little join link in the corner.

Another way to join is to send an e-mail msg to this address. Be sure to put "Subscribe" in the Subject line.

WARNING: I am your group moderator and group owner, yes but I'm not your servant, though I do try hard to keep everyone happy. Every member is perfectly able to subscribe and UNsubscribe themselves without my help. Please do not ask me to unsub you if you lose interest. I already have a lot to do.

Heck, why not do the fastest thing then? Put your e-mail address in the box below and hit the button. Your addy will be added to the members list and you should recieve mail at that address from this list. Warning, you MUST have a Yahoo account to have access to the Yahoo page's features.

Subscribe to Karasus_Nest
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I hope this helps and I hope you enjoy your stay with us.

Next: Fanwork