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Until it Sleeps


Finally! Youkai in the Mists has been updated in the Fanwork section. I now have 12 parts up with hopes of more very soon. You might actually one day get to read the end of it. LOL.


YAY! Update to Karasu's Nest! Hey, BTW, this site is now also connected to Ravyn's Nest which is my site for fanwork and shrines.

Kitsune-Ai {fanfic} has been added to the Fanwork Section as well as the image that goes with it: K-Sama.

Also in the Look-Alike section, a few images were added. YAY!!! I also updated the links section...for now. Keep an eye out!


Wow, is it New Years already? Geez! I made updates on the Yahoo page layout. Also, I've decided that the banners will have separate links. Our eye banner will lead here to the nest while the powered-up banner will lead back to the Yahoo group.

Also, been working on the Chibi Karasu stuff and am running the idea of an online Yahoo Group for the adoption agency through with Karasu-Chan. Hopefully she'll like the idea too.

Yes, I do have a new fic or two and a new fanpic, but those will have to wait. Sorry.


Zippidy doo dah! Hmmm, gotta think of new things to say, this one: YATTA! Actually, I just wanted to say I made new updates. I put up a small list of Karasu Obsessions as well as a chibi page and put up a small list of things on the Youko Kurama page. I'll be doing more updates on those tomorrow by adding music to them. Oh, BTW, the links page now has...something...on it as well as a brand new background that is MUCH more befitting than that ugly yellow-green one.


YAY! I finally got motivated to do some updates. I have a new fanpic under the Fanwork section by myself called Nibble Nuzzle. I also put up ALL of the provided fanart by Karasu-Chan to the group. So, you'll be able to enjoy her work as well. I also put up the first 3 parts of Yokai in the Mists. ALSO, I'd like to announce that Why Me? And I'll Tell You Why, {the Kurama and Karasu POV poems} are FINALLY up and ready to be shared with other Karasu fans...or even Kurama fans, they're welcome here too...just watch out for the Dulisai Chasing Bombs.


Fixed my dates. July is the SEVENTH month, not sixth. Anyway....the entire story of Yusuke in Kudaran is up as well as the new links on the Extras section, though they are still under construction. Soon, I'll be putting up Youkai in the Mists as well as Karasu-Chan's work. Haven't forgotten ya, hun.


A few more chapters of Yusuke in Kudaran have been put up under Fanwork. Also, I am in the process of putting up new pages under the Extras...the links aren't up yet, but the pages are almost set....but still under construction. Also, I added a Look-Alike and Reminders section. There is one addition to the Reminders page {under Extras}. Check it out....the Jackal!


Happy Independance Day! Also, minor updates. I fixed the animated gif on About Karasu, added a few midis and also put a title page and a Text Intro page for those who don't wanna look at my graphics. THPPPPP to you too! ^.~ Chibi Karasus coming soon as well as posting up Karasu-Chan's work. Hopefully I'll find that wallpaper too...grrr...I KNEW it was there somewhere!


Karasu's Nest was created. Happy Birthday to the group and site!

Next: Who's Karasu?