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Karasu and the Youko

Dracula X

Ah yes, the wonderful Youko Kurama, Suiichi-Kun's infamous past life. Face it, who wouldn't love this silvery gorgeous kitsune? But, what does Karasu-Sama think of Suiichi's other form? He's already mentioned he prefered Kurama in his human form rather than his Youko form. But, what Karasu shrine would be complete without a Kurama section? And what Kurama section would be complete without YOUKO KURAMA?!

If there's anything you'd like to add to Karasu-Sama's list of Likes and Dislikes about the Youko, do submit them and I'll be swift to put them up.


He's cute and fuzzy

The thrill of the fight is intense

He's Kurama, no matter WHAT form he's in.

His tail would make a very nice keychain.


He's not as beautiful as Suiichi.

He's not as naive as Suiichi.

He's just a little TOO clever.

I hate gardening.

Youko is too tall for my tastes...I like the shorter Suiichi better.
