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Halo X Tournament
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Stew's Blog
Friday, 27 May 2005
Haven't posted in ages! Hot damn!
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: "1985" by Bowling For Soup
Topic: Halo X Tournament
It's been months... wow...

Anyway, back to that old tournament:

Red Team (Team Spartan) - George, Alton, Pete
Blue Team (The Mutants) - Me, Connor, Mike (yeah, the Mike from last tournament)

Game: Halo 2
Map: Lockout
Gametype: Team Swordball
Additional Specifications: Hold ball for a minute.
Duration: 6:28
Coverage: Not... fricking... fair... The Red Team kicked our sorry asses this round. George kept camping with the ball by the gravlift, and whenever someone came up, he'd let go of the ball and sword swipe us to kingdom come. Then he'd take his ball back. Asshole... They got 1:00, and we got 0:04, all because Mike held the ball for four seconds at the very beginning of the game.

Game: Halo 2
Map: Beaver Creek
Gametype: Team Slayer
Additional Specifications: Many. Starting Weapon is Battle Rifle. Secondary Weapon is SMG. Weapons on Map are SMGs. Time limit is 10 minutes. Kill limit is 50.
Duration: 9:12
Coverage: Before I even start, I gotta say that Battle Rifle ammo was hard to come by in this game. OK, I'm done, let's start. Red Team was pretty good in this game, but they were no match for my Battle Rifle 5killZ (hAx0rz l337, man!) and Mike's close-range dual SMG fury. We didn't even need the whole 10 minutes we were given! Final score was close: 50 to 46. Four more kills than Red Team and WE WON! Meaning...

Halo X Tournament Champs: BLUE TEAM (THE MUTANTS)


So yeah, it's been good. I've had some time away from da blog, but I'm back. Next time I'll give you a sneak at my new film idea, and how those old ones are going. Then, a review of Revenge of the Sith, and finally, Five Reasons Why AOTC is an Excellent Movie. All next time on...


Posted by empire/kijzone at 12:31 AM BST
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