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Stew's Blog
Tuesday, 10 August 2004
OK... I've officially declared that we should blow up the moon!
Blowing up the moon would be FUN! Finally, no more tides to tip the boats over! No more werewolf attacks! And no more increased violence on full moons! Plus, it'd be fun to see 5,000 nukes bombarding that damn thing. KAPOWWWW!

Okay, maybe that's not such a great idea. But still...

In other news, I've finally solved the mystery of Harry Potter. Serious. In the book 1 life-size chessgame, everything that happens, happens in the later books. The faceless white chessmen... faceless... reminds me of Death Eaters. Then, there's the part when a black knight is destroyed, and that comes as a real shock to Ron, Hermione, and Harry. Ron says something like, "Sorry, had to let that happen. Now you are free to take this piece, yadayadayada." Sounds an awful lot like Sirius's death. Maybe there is a reason for it. Harry is now free to do something... hmm. Also, what makes me most anxious is Ron's sacrifice. The white king is obviously Voldemort. If he had a queen... maybe it would be Bellatrix Lestrange! So Ron lets Harry kill Voldemort in book 7 by sacrificing himself. The culprit is Bellatrix Lestrange. Then Harry does something, probably kills Voldemort (but I have a hunch that Voldy will turn good), and wins.

Well, that's about it. No time to play Halo. I haven't seen Emma lately, but that's understandable. She's on holiday. Goodbye folks! And by the way, I was just joking about that Moon thing. The results of blowing it up would be disasterous.

Posted by empire/kijzone at 5:53 PM BST
Updated: Tuesday, 10 August 2004 5:58 PM BST
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