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Stew's Blog
Sunday, 29 August 2004
I need a Mountain Dew! Pt. 3 (plus extra blabs)
Mood:  rushed
Now Playing: "Drive" by The Cars
The cops catch onto what I did. I use Picard's phaser to melt the Mountain Dew bottle, and then I throw the hot plastic at a cop and he is melted too. I go nuts and phase a bit of cactus off too. I attatch it to the plastic and let it cool. Then I throw this thing at a bunch of policemen and have a lot of fun.



OK... hey guys! I know it's been a while since I posted, but I'm back now.

I did OK on my Math quizzes, so that's good news. My mood icon says I feel rushed, and it's because I have Spanish homework due tomorrow, I have to mow the lawn, and I'm sick. It's hard to work when you're sick. *cough, hack* Really.

I played Halo 2 again. It really is wonderful. I have been playing it so much I forgot to update the blog Thursday, Friday, and Saturday!

Our Geography teacher is still a bitch.

My Strong Sad sock puppet ripped in half when I was messing around with it, so I made another one. It's not the same though, the eyes look too close together.

I made a Halo mod on Saturday. Nothing fancy, just made the shotgun shoot hi-speed rockets on Longest. Really deadly, but not as fun as I predicted.

I'm gonna go to a sci-fi convention called DragonCon in Atlanta, Georgia on Sep. 3rd. It ends on Sep. 6. Never been to one before, have no idea what to expect. Their website is here:

I took up darts over the weekend. I always get close to bulls-eyes. Darts is too easy for me, I'm switching to chess.

I'm halfway through my script Oregon Vortex. It's going good and should be done by the end of the month.

As if losing Collin wasn't enough, Max left Andromeda on Thursday. He was our treasurer, so now I need to find a new one, and fast.

I'm mad at my mother. Here I am, trying to write my scripts, and I can't concentrate when she's yapping away on the fucking telephone. It's insane. She doesn't care about what I want to do with my life.

I'm reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire for the 5th time ever. Dunno why.

Bye guys. I guess the bottom line is that I'm both pissed and rushed, and when you combine those, it makes you more pissed. And when you're pissed, you tend to waste time yelling at people, which leaves less time to do stuff, therefore making you more rushed. It's a vicious cycle. Oh yeah, plus I'm sick.

Posted by empire/kijzone at 6:57 PM BST
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