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Stew's Blog
Wednesday, 1 September 2004
Not sick, great grades, and overall happiness today!
Mood:  happy
Hey guys. I am very happy today. I got an A on my Math quiz, I don't hate Mr. Juhas anymore, I'm not mad at my mom anymore, and I had a Mountain Dew for the first time in months. I discovered IMDB's Game message board and I'm having a load of fun on it. And oh yeah, I made up with my ex-girlfriend, and asked her out. And I'm not sick!

I bought a crudload of Blink182 albums and I'm jamming away. I'm getting better at the keyboards, and I'm doing GREAT on the Secret Agents 2 script.

Oregon Vortex is slacking. I can't figure out whether to kill someone off or not, and if I want to, I don't know how to yet.

My math quiz's bonus problem said "Barney took a ride on the space shuttle. While singing the "I Love You" song, he tripped on a banana peel and fell out the ship." Mwahaha, that man's funny.

A dude at my school named Wyatt claims to have the whole of a Japanese anime series following "Van Helsing". $20 says he's full of Bantha fodder (little Star Wars reference, sorry).


Posted by empire/kijzone at 1:08 AM BST
Updated: Wednesday, 1 September 2004 1:09 AM BST
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