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Stew's Blog
Saturday, 25 September 2004
More Star Wars DVD Stuff + Script News + Voldemort's Return: The Snoop's Report
Now Playing: "Adding to the Noise" by Switchfoot + "All the Lonely People" by the Beatles
Hey guys. Had a long week at school, not very fun. I failed my Math quiz, got an A+ on my Geography and English quizzes, and got a HUGE assignment for over the weekend in Spanish. But more on that in a bit.


Over the next few days, I'll be covering all of the four DVDs. First, it's:

Picture Quality: 5/5 - Great digital cleanup. You never see any static or fuzziness. Excellent!
Quality of Film Itself: 4/5 - Gets kinda boring midway, but hang in there... the last few scenes are the best.
Effects: 5/5 - They didn't need to change too many of the effects. They're great. There's an excellent shot of a Bantha herd right before the sail barge scene. Wasn't even in the Special Edition.
Finale: 3/5 - The new Hayden Christensen addition at the end sucks. The Ewok celebration never really floated my boat. Otherwise, pretty cool. I like the views you get of the Tattoine celebration.
Sound Quality: 4/5 - Every now and then it gets a little fuzzy, but you never hear any static, which is a plus.


Hayden Christensen replaces Sebastion Shaw at the Ewok celebration

Leia in her slave outfit, now much clearer thanks to digital cleanup

I know this isn't ROTJ (its ANH), but the view is amazing and the Tattoine celebration view is similar

In other news...

I have completed the scripts for Secret Agents 2 and Oregon Vortex. I'm not so happy with Oregon Vortex, so I'll do a second draft on that one. Secret Agents 3 and 4 are now being written and I expect them to be done by December at the latest. I know I haven't revealed much about the plots of any of these, but that won't remain true for long. You'll get a sneak peak at the Secret Agents script once I type it (I write scripts in longhand, then type them so the actor's can read the scripts... I have terrible handwriting).

Also, I have had the pleasure of reading a rough draft of the scene where Voldemort returns to power in GoF. Never got the final draft, sorry. All I'm gonna spill is that there's some new spooky dialouge that's not in the book. And it's gonna rock more than all the Star Wars saber battles combined.

A final picture:

Ciao, guys.

Posted by empire/kijzone at 3:31 PM BST
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