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Halo X Tournament
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Stew's Blog
Tuesday, 21 December 2004
Continued: Halo 2 Tournament + Nintendo DS + Thoughts on Yoga
Now Playing: "Remembrance", downloaded from's Halo 2 section
Here's the third round of the tournament. The final round will be posted later today or tomorrow.

Red Team - Me, Vincent, Bobby, Ted
Blue Team - Manuel, Matthew, Will, Mike

Map: Zanzibar
Game: CTF
Additional Specifications: Two captures won, 10 minute time limit.
Duration: 8:50
Coverage: The match started out pumped. My team was the attacker, and we got our necessary attacking stuff. I grabbed a Ghost, Bobby and Vincent got in the Guass Hog, and Ted left his Ghost to go get a sniper rifle on the sea wall and pick off some Blue team stragglers. Meanwhile, everyone in Blue team guarded the base, except for Matthew, who went for his beloved rocket launcher. Vincent "Guassed" him to kingdom come. Ted sniped Will twice, and someone else once (wasn't paying attention, sorry). Bobby got out of the Hog and went for the flag. In that short time when I was guarding a spot with my Ghost and Vincent was waiting patiently in his seat, all hell broke loose. Manuel snuck up on me, but I was too quick for him. I turned to the left in an attempt to shoot him to death, and he jumped toward me and boarded me! I boarded him right back, and then he threw a frag under my Ghost and ran. I boosted to avoid it, but I was too late, and my Ghost got destroyed, burning me in hot alien metal. Vincent had not seen any of this, and was concentrating on Mike, who was making his way up the ramp to get to the turret. He blew the turret, but then ate two plasma grenades from Will and died. Matthew, meanwhile, was trying to get to the energy sword in the wheel. When I respawned at the beach, I got in the last Ghost and rushed to him, lazering his sorry ass until he fell off. Ted had been sniping for a long time in his perch, but Manuel spotted him at long last and threw a frag. Ted backpedaled and avoided it. He went back down to the beach to... guess what... hide. Yep. He hid. Back in the Blue base, Bobby has successfully acquired the flag and he was running from Will, who had entered the base and found him. He did a back-melee on Will with the flag and got him. Mike tried to get to Bobby, but was too late. Bobby dropped his flag and used an entire clip from his SMG to kill Mike. He quickly reacquired the flag and ran his butt off. I had gone back to base, gotten Ted out of hiding, and got out of my Ghost. I drove the Hog, and Ted got in the gunner seat. We were gonna go save Bobby's ass. Vincent had respawned and was off to shoot some Blue team ass with his dual-wielded SMG and Plasma Rifle. I drove over to the sea wall entrance and saw Bobby coming, flag in hand. Behind him, with an energy sword, was Manuel! Ted shot Manuel, but also took Bobby in doing so. I got out, took the flag, and fled to my base. I scored. All that time, nobody from Red team had bothered to come for our flag. They were guarding theirs. Now, angered, they finally came... sorta. They sent Mike in a Ghost to come for our flag, and posted Manuel at the Sniper's Roost on the side of the map to pick off attackers from our team. Matthew and Will were still concerned with guarding the flag. By now, all of Red team was at the base, and we were ALL trying to guard the flag. Bobby gets worried, thinking Blue Team had sent everyone to get this flag. The rest of us were thinking there would be two people. But, alas, Mike finally showed up, alone, in his Ghost. Bobby boarded him and Ted finished him off with some SMG fire. In his Ghost, Bobby set off for Blue base. Ted and I once again paired up in the Warthog once it spawned, and Vincent took the passenger seat with his trusty Battle Rifle. Manuel, at his sniper post, landed a headshot on Ted. I had no gunner. Worried, I told Vincent to get in the back, but on his way, he saw something terrible: Manuel had left his post to get our flag. He quickly told me to get back to base. He was going to help get Blue team's flag. I went back to base, and saw a dead body, presumably the respawned Ted's. Manuel was standing over it, mere feet away from the flag. Thus the epic Manuel vs. Stewart (that's my name) battle began. I tried running him over, but he boarded me before I could. I rushed back to board him, but he E-braked and got out. He was running to get something, but I couldn't see what it was. Only too late did I finally realize what it was. It was a rocket launcher. Manuel aimed and fired, and I deftly dodged his lethal capsule of death, but only just. I made my way to the staircase leading up to the sea wall and he fired again, this time a bit above my position. By the time the rocket arrived at it's destination, I was there. I died and Manuel proceeded to take the flag and run. I respawned, spotted Manuel, and chased him. Back at Blue base, everyone (with the exception of Manuel, myself, and Ted) was fighting for the flag. It was so chaotic I couldn't find out what was going on at first. By the time I caught on, Will had been killed by someone, and the flag had been captured and taken out by Bobby. Matthew, Mike, and Will formed a triangle around Bobby and shot him. They walked over the flag, returning it to base, where Vincent waited patiently. He rushed to the flag and took it. He got in the remaining turret first, gunning Mike and Will down to lessen his troubles. He got in Bobby's parked Ghost and sped off. Ted, who had respawned ages ago, was waiting for someone to come close to his position so he could shoot them down with his newly acquired Shotgun. His wish was never granted. I was furiously trying to keep up with Manuel, who was running over to an SMG. He dropped his Battle Rifle in favor of the bullet hose he had come across. Perfect for me. I picked up the Battle Rifle and landed two headshots that brought Manuel down at last. I made my way to my base, aware that my team was about to win. I wanted to see Vincent do it. I wanted to see us win. Vincent scored and the deep "Game Over" announcement played. The outcome: Red team wins. At last, I might add.


Whew... what a game! And that was only the third round! Wait 'till you see the coverage of the final round! In other news...

I got to test out the Nintendo DS today at a Toys R Us and it ROCKS! The touch pad is buggy, but you don't need to use it, at least, not for the game I played (ahem, Metroid Prime Hunters). The controls are great and the graphics are GAMECUBE QUALITY!!!

You read right.


Yoga sucks.

Yoga sucks.

And oh yeah, yoga sucks.


Goodbye! Oh yeah, almost forgot... here's the official (and currently incomplete) website for my Halo mod. Halo SE Main Site.

Big kisses (just kidding dude).

Posted by empire/kijzone at 3:49 PM GMT
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