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Halo X Tournament
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Stew's Blog
Wednesday, 29 December 2004
Final Round: Halo 2 Tournament
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: "Mombasa", a fan made Halo piece, which is actually kinda pretty.
Here's the last round of the tournament.

Red Team - Me, Vincent, Bobby, Ted
Blue Team - Manuel, Matthew, Will, Mike

Map: Headlong
Game: Team Slayer
Additional Specifications: 30 kills to win, Primary light vehicle = Guass Warthog, No primary heavy vehicle, Start with SMG and Shotgun, All dual weapons on map.
Duration: 9:02
Coverage: The match started out quiet. We all got set for the slaying up ahead. I got in the passenger seat of a Hog, Shotgun in hand, and waited a few seconds for Bobby to get in the guns and Vincent to drive. Ted made his way, on foot, to Blue Team's base. Speaking of Blue Team, Matthew and Mike found dual SMGs and were waiting for some people to kick. Manuel got in the Guass Cannon, and Will decided to hide in a corner and attempt to board a Hog. I shot down Mike and Bobby got Manuel and Matthew. Will came out of his corner and was about to get a shotgun slug in the chest from his truly (thats me), but Manuel respawned right in front of him and took it. Bobby was busy blowing up Blue Team's Hogs, and I got shot down. From this point on, I wasn't paying any attention to anything except my screen, so this coverage isn't complete. From what I heard, Blue Team managed to hijack our Hog's guns and they sacrificed a member to blow the Hog up with a well-placed Guass shot. I was busy scouting for more guns, and I got a Needler to dual-wield with my SMG. I also racked up 4 frags and a plasma nade. I hid in a hole and waited. By the time Manuel finally came over to my spot, my team had 16 kills and the Blues had 14. I shot Manuel down, but he took me with him by sticking me with a plasma nade. When I respawned, I toted my big, bad Shotgun and followed Bobby into the Blue base. We successfully got in, and I covered Bobby while he mercilessly killed recently spawned players. I saw Mike escape and chased him down. It was a short fight: my Shotgun vs. his back. You know who won. I made my way back to the base and found Will beating a dead Bobby with the butt of his Shotgun. He didn't see me, and I snuck around to his back and got him with a nice melee attack. I got in the enemy Guass cannon and shot everything. I think I accidentally landed one on Ted! I quickly peeped the score, which was 20 Red to 15 Blue. I realized too late that a Blue player had taken advantage of my score-checking and boarded me. He shot me too. I mainly just guarded the base for the rest of the match. Final score was 30 Red to 27 Blue. Much smiling, taunting, and pizza-munching on the Red Team. Much pouting and bitching on Blue Team.



And I actually sweated during that match! Well, I gotta go, see ya next time as I count sheep for you! I'll start now! One, two, three...

Posted by empire/kijzone at 1:19 PM GMT
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