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Halo X Tournament
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Stew's Blog
Monday, 17 January 2005
Halo X Tournament
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: "Annie Waits" by Ben Folds Five
Yet another Halo tournament... it isn't Halo 2 though. It's a tournament with a Halo game, a Halo CE game, and two Halo 2 games. And guess what? I played it! It only had six players total and was very heated. It was played on the Net. Here we GOOOOOO!

Red Team (Team Spartan) - George, Alton, Pete
Blue Team (The Mutants) - Me, Connor, Mike (yeah, the Mike from last tournament)

Game: Halo
Map: Sidewinder
Gametype: CTF Pro
Additional Specifications: All vehicles (Hog, Ghost, tank), 10 minute time limit.
Duration: 10:00
Coverage: This game was extremely unfair. I got in the Ghost and the rest of the team piled into the Scorpion with Connor driving. On Red Team, Pete got in the Warthog gunner seat, waiting for us. Alton had gone upstairs and gotten the sniper rifle, and George, who is notorious for being offensive always, got in the tank. I had noticed George getting in the tank and went up a sidecliff. I was within toe's reach of a rocket launcher when Alton sniped me. S.O.B., that Alton. Anyway, I played it safe and went upstairs and got my sniper rifle. Connor killed the tank and Alton, but got shot out by Pete. Mike got outta the Scorp and tried to shoot Pete, but got shot himself. When they respawned, they got in the Hog and raided the base once more... getting shot once more. This continued for the rest of the game in various forms until finally, in a Ghost, Connor got the flag. He made it halfway to the base until Alton rocketed him. I saw this in my sniper scope and raced to the Hog to stop Alton from returning the flag. I succeeded and made the game's only score. For the remaining 3 minutes, the Red team tried to get our flag, but Mike is a formidable sniper, and I am a formidable Warthog gunner. So they didn't even get close. Before we knew it time was up and the baritone "Game Over" voice played. We won, but we almost didn't.

More coverage tomorrow, or maybe even later today...


Posted by empire/kijzone at 1:23 AM GMT
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