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Stew's Blog
Saturday, 19 March 2005
Wow, back from the dead here.
We continue...

Red Team (Team Spartan) - George, Alton, Pete
Blue Team (The Mutants) - Me, Connor, Mike (yeah, the Mike from last tournament)

Game: Halo Custom Edition
Map: Lost Cove
Gametype: Classic Iron CTF
Additional Specifications: None
Duration: Unknown (forgot to time this one)
Coverage: Unlike the last few posts, I'm gonna make this one (and all future tourney coverage) short and sweet. This game kicked ass! We totally kicked Team Spartan's butts in this one. I was great as team sniper, and Connor ruled as team tanker. For most of the game anyway. Mike got the tank in the latter half. Red Team was so sad... well, Alton was sniping a lot, but otherwise they were sad. Final score: 3 to 1, my team won.

Posted by empire/kijzone at 4:08 AM GMT
Updated: Friday, 27 May 2005 12:11 AM BST
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