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Stew's Blog
Tuesday, 24 August 2004
I need a Mountain Dew! Pt. 2 (plus extra blabs)
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: a photo montage of Emma Watson (hehehe)
Qui-Gon trips on his own lightsaber and dies after he sees what looks like a glistening bottle of green Mountain Dew. Turns out it was just Kryptonite, which Batman uses later to kill his archenemy Superman. I walk into a market and see a Mountain Dew! I don't have money, and Batman's cash is all in his freaking Batcave, so I ask Picard to pay... of course, all he's got is Star Trek bucks, so I take Qui-Gon's saber and kill the cashier so I can get my Mountain Dew FREE! Batman tries taking a sip, so I almost kill him with the saber. He runs off (and uses that Kryptonite, like I said). Then me and good old (i MEAN old) Picard get into this awesome Jaguar and speed away before some cop goes for a donut and sees the guy dead. I drink a bit too much Mountain Dew and... CRASH! Picard dies, and I'm left stranded in the desert with nothing but a phaser, an empty Mountain Dew bottle, and a cactuscar. I say cactuscar because the crash was so bad it looked like the cactus and the car were fused together. What could I do?


To be continued later...


Now that's that's over with...

I made my very own Strong Sad sock puppet using a sock, grey paint, and a bunch of tissue to imitate fat. If you don't know who Strong Sad is, go here: Home Star Also, I'd like to point out that if you don't know who Strong Sad is, you're an idiot and deserve to be pied in the face... with a PIE!

My caption contest didn't float your boats too well, so it's history, unless you say you want it back.

I realize that the entry where I said I used Mood and Now Playing was errored... there was no Now Playing... sorry, guys.

There's a kid in my class named Vincent Borello, and he's a dick. A bully. An ass. A mother... you get the picture. Well, I thought that I'd hate him forever, but I love him, because his sister is HOT! She's the hottest hot who ever hotted! I'll post pictures the instant I get them.

I saw Emma today. Things are going great for her, as well as for me. We're not going to the same school, so it's seldom I see her.

And I'd like to give a shoutout to Jasper back home in the USA. So... SHOUT!

One more thing: That lightsaber I built had it's blade replaced, like I said it would be. I made it blue instead of purple. And for those who wonder how I did it, here ya go: Legos, spare plastic and duct tape, batteries, plastic tubes, and a strip of neon tubing.

Good bye for now.

Posted by empire/kijzone at 12:20 AM BST
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Sunday, 22 August 2004
I need a Mountain Dew!
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: a long list of Mountain Dew commercials on QuickTime
I NEED SOME MOUNTAIN DEW! I've tried getting caffeinated on Pepsi and 7Up, but nothing compares to Mountain Dew... not even Red Bull... so I have begun an epic search for the drink... it will be hard, but I can find it... of course, I need help from the elite, the world's finest... so I call upon Batman, Captain Picard, and Qui-Gon to help me find the Dew!


To be continued later...

Posted by empire/kijzone at 5:57 PM BST
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Saturday, 21 August 2004
Juhas Hears a Hoot (And Other Stories) by Dr. Stewss
Mood:  a-ok
Before I begin my rather long blog entry, I must say that the new Angelfire blog system is excellent. Though I may not use either all the time, today I used the Now Playing and Mood features (in other words, the emoticon and the song title). Keep up the good work, Angelfirites (what else should I call them?).


Juhas Hears a Hoot by Dr. Stewss

Okay, it all starts with my friend Andrew. He's fond of profanity and such, so he uses it all the time. So this afternoon, on our way out of Math to go to Science, he says something along the lines of, "This f**king class is sh*t.", right in front of Mr. Juhas. Now at my school, we get Demerits, and if we rack up 5 points (certain "crimes" offer more points to your "rack") from them, we get a Detention. I think it's 5 or 6 Detentions till you get suspended. Anyways, Juhas here gives Andrew a foul language Demerit, worth 3 freaking points! The thing that's so funny is that Andrew said the words right in front of the man. He's not deaf, y'know!



The lesson: don't do no cussin' in front of a teacher. Now that that's over with...

I am the official producer of Andrew's band! Yay... yippity-skip... I really couldn't care less, but it's a start in my producing career, so why not? It's not half bad, the stuff they're writing... but then again, who wants to spend $20 on "not half bad" stuff? Well it's not SO bad... I guess.

I'm working on movie scripts. Mainly, they're things I started years ago and abandoned, but there is one new one. I can't post the plotlines, but I can post the names of the two completed scripts: Secret Agents and Voyage To Bermuda. I'm working on Secret Agents 2, Oregon Vortex, and Land of the Ghosts right now. My main focus is getting the first four Secret Agents scripts done by the start of 2006 (there are 6 planned Secret Agents films).

Finally, yesterday marked the beginning... and the end... my friend Collin was working alongside me in our partership, Andromeda/C5. We merged last year, in front of the Spanish room. His half was C5, the publishing and videogame part of the company. He left yesterday. The good news is that I got a project and three new employees. The project is Andrew's band, and the employees are, by first name only (privacy and legal reasons), Jack, Max, and Stewart (not me, another Stewart).

The new kid at my school (there are many, this is just one of them) named Morgan is really quiet. I've never heard her speak ONCE! I guess it's shyness, but she looks kinda like a Goth. Maybe that's it. I dunno what Goths do, so... oh well.

One more thing: Chemical weapons are something those Iraqis probably used on U.S. troops in 1991. However, Pentagon officials want to remind all veterans reading this that any symtoms of "Gulf War Syndrome" are 100% imaginary. Haha, that's my favorite joke, and yes, I made it up.

Take care all, and have a good life... hopefully you'll get a girlfriend unlike me.

Posted by empire/kijzone at 2:37 AM BST
Updated: Saturday, 21 August 2004 2:41 AM BST
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Thursday, 19 August 2004
I Hate Mr. Juhas (or How I got an Extra Lunch)

School started today... I had some great teachers, but some were EVIL! I hate Mr. Juhas above all... first day, and HOMEWORK! Well... I saw him at lunch, and I thought I'd get a bit of revenge. *insert evil cackle* I got my lunch, then payed the school prankster Andrew 10 bucks to take Mr. Juhas's lunch and dump the chicken fingers on MY plate, then trash the rest. He'd create a diversion before, of course.

I don't know what diversion he created, but it worked... soon enough, I got more chicken, and Juhas came out puzzled that his lunch was gone and whatever Andrew said wasn't real. But that's my revenge story!

Posted by empire/kijzone at 12:15 AM BST
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Threat a Hoax
Calm down... threat was a hoax... PHEW! Now... to bigger news...


Submit a caption for this via Comments... I'll post my fave up here... here's your photo...

Tricky, but it'll be fun. I'll get some better ones later.

Posted by empire/kijzone at 12:08 AM BST
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Monday, 16 August 2004
Possible Danger to Harry Potter Actors

Taken from "Contact Music and IMDb - among other sites - are reporting that security at Leavesden Studios has been stepped up considerably after a menacing phone call suggested imminent attacks on the younger cast. A source from the studios was reported as saying, "The caller apparently said, 'It's payback time... this is for all you've done to our women and kids.' One of the articles says that police and dog handlers have been drafted in to patrol the perimeter fence and the number of security guards has been trebled.

This is unconfirmed and has been unconfirmed since it was posted on the Internet. Please treat this strictly as a rumor until we receive more information or word from Warner Brothers."

Damn... my dad works on those movies, you know! And I know Dan and Emma. They're good people. I'm worried for them.

Posted by empire/kijzone at 4:40 PM BST
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Saturday, 14 August 2004
I have nothing to say...
Today's topic: nothing. I'm so bored I have no topic to post. I have one week 'till school starts, and I went to an "orientation" today. It was crud. I refereed a Halo bumper cars match on Danger Canyon in a shee. This one cheater was always sniping people, and the host didn't know how to ban, so I had to kill him a lot. *snore*. I only played one competitive match today, a CTF on Death Island. I got the flag over to the other base once, but then the team started flattening us. We had no chance. But I do have some photos to show you:

LOL! It looks like Titanic or something... he's LEO!

I made my own lightsaber, and it works, sounds and all! Here it is in all of its glory! I was gonna make a green blade, but I chose purple to be like Sam Jackson! Then again... I'm gonna switch. Purple is just too G-A-Y!

Sayonara. I'm outters. But one more thing to say... if you have Halo CE and have not played the custom map New Mombasa Classic, then play it. It rocks.

UPDATE: This frickin' idiot convention is CLOSED!

Posted by empire/kijzone at 2:09 AM BST
Updated: Saturday, 14 August 2004 2:13 AM BST
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Tuesday, 10 August 2004
OK... I've officially declared that we should blow up the moon!
Blowing up the moon would be FUN! Finally, no more tides to tip the boats over! No more werewolf attacks! And no more increased violence on full moons! Plus, it'd be fun to see 5,000 nukes bombarding that damn thing. KAPOWWWW!

Okay, maybe that's not such a great idea. But still...

In other news, I've finally solved the mystery of Harry Potter. Serious. In the book 1 life-size chessgame, everything that happens, happens in the later books. The faceless white chessmen... faceless... reminds me of Death Eaters. Then, there's the part when a black knight is destroyed, and that comes as a real shock to Ron, Hermione, and Harry. Ron says something like, "Sorry, had to let that happen. Now you are free to take this piece, yadayadayada." Sounds an awful lot like Sirius's death. Maybe there is a reason for it. Harry is now free to do something... hmm. Also, what makes me most anxious is Ron's sacrifice. The white king is obviously Voldemort. If he had a queen... maybe it would be Bellatrix Lestrange! So Ron lets Harry kill Voldemort in book 7 by sacrificing himself. The culprit is Bellatrix Lestrange. Then Harry does something, probably kills Voldemort (but I have a hunch that Voldy will turn good), and wins.

Well, that's about it. No time to play Halo. I haven't seen Emma lately, but that's understandable. She's on holiday. Goodbye folks! And by the way, I was just joking about that Moon thing. The results of blowing it up would be disasterous.

Posted by empire/kijzone at 5:53 PM BST
Updated: Tuesday, 10 August 2004 5:58 PM BST
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The First Blog Post
Hey. My name is Stewart, my dad is a cameraman on Harry Potter 4 (and was one on 2 and 3), and I'm NOT an alchoholic. Sorry, always wanted to say that. Anyways, I'm a fan of Star Wars, filmmaking, Emma Watson, and videogames. Today's blog entry:

I was playing Halo PC, and I had some interesting experiences. There was me, Stew the normal. Then there was Kathlean the incoherent, who said stuff like "wy did u kll me?" and "hey stwart, hws it hngin?". There was John the gay, who asked us if we were gay, and when we said he was, he went "NO IM NOT GAY, GUYS!". Oscar the greenpeace was a 'tard. He was like, "Don't shoot me.". It's HALO! The point of the game is to shoot. JeepXJ the Christian told me I was not very Christian, yet proceeded later to call me a "faG" and a "reTarrd". And there was a guy named Canada=gay who was there for a few minutes. Not much else has happened. I talked to Emma Watson about something (I think it was hockey), but that's not that big of a deal. I know her well. There was a guy named El Bulshito on AIM who would NOT leave me alone. I put him on my buddy list and then blocked him. I'm Car_15 on IMDb and devilz500 on AIM. My blog entries will mainly be about my life, Halo, and my scripts for movies I wanna make. I'll also put up some links to essential sites. That's all.

P.S.: If you see a guy named Bruce on Halo, tell him he's a jerk. He Team killed me about 20 times last night on CTF.

Posted by empire/kijzone at 12:50 AM BST
Updated: Tuesday, 10 August 2004 5:57 PM BST
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