Robert Stanek Books
Robert Stanek Books
Ruin Mist Heroes, Legends and beyond Companion (NEW!!!) - a guide to the world of Ruin Mist.
Keeper Martin Tales
- The Kingdoms & the elves of the Reaches - The first book in the series. Great fun!
- The Kingdoms & the elves of the Reaches Book 2 - Lots of action
- The Kingdoms & the elves of the Reaches Book 3 - The best of the series
- The Kingdoms & the elves of the Reaches Book 4 - Oh my! I never thought it could get better from 3 but it does. You have to read this one!
- In the Service of Dragons (announced)
- In the Service of Dragons 2 (announced)
Ruin Mist Tales
- The Elf Queen and the King - Kind of dark. A new view of Ruin Mist through different eyes.
- The Elf Queen and the King Book 2 - awesome to the last page.
- The Elf Queen and the King Book 3
Magic Lands
My Favorite things about Ruin Mist
- Adrina - a young princess
- Emel - a guardsman
- Vilmos - a wizard in training
- Seth - a warrior elf
- Galan - a warrior elf
Links to Robert Stanek Sites
Good to start here. I did.
Another great one.
Cool Official Site
More cool stuff
Another one.
Another one
publisher site
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