Minor Notes/Major Keys
Once there was a man who said I was the best hostess in the entire Universe. I told him I wasn’t interested. I should have believed him. I now give parties one every two weeks, sometimes more often.
My crown roast was perfect! Pink! Sterling did the carving. It’s a funny thing, cooking, I mean…if you just follow directions and are patient, well there it is. And you know the things like roasts that you think will be difficult, well they are the easiest of all! Not only are the parties fun, but also your guests bring you cool gifts. Food=LOVE!
^^^^^^^^^^^^^ haha! that looks like a piecrust. No I have not even attempted making a pie, but one day I will.
Sterling and I have a deal: I cook two nights, he cooks two nights, and we go out to dinner or to friend’s dinners on the other nights. We base that kind of loosely. Sometimes he is tired and I jump in and on evenings when I am bushwhacked he does it. Sometimes we aren’t really into food and we have cheese and sprout sandwiches, a boodle of wine, and sit by the fire or go down on the pier and just chat about our day. He is just perfect on the whole food thing.
Once a week I try to do a 50s-style dinner, or just something my mother would have made in the 70s. Two weeks ago I did butterfly pork chops, stuffing and baby peas. It was tasty. On the stuffing box there was a recipe for a chicken/stuffing bake and I decided to try it. It was made of skinless boneless chicken breasts, cream of mushroom soup, sour cream, topped with the stuffing and baked up golden brown. It tasted like Thanksgiving! It looked okay, but! It was sort of like the Tasmanian Devil had goofed around on your plate…everything was a big moosh. I don’t really care for all of that commingling. It would have been much nicer to have a cup of cream of mushroom soup, a broiled chicken breast with a scoop of stuffing on the side. So beware of box recipes!
My Apeldorn tulips bloomed today! Gorgeous cups of vibrant red and electric yellow. Pure cups, standing on tall stems, opening fully to the sun. I hope Sterling is early today.
I ruined a week of my life by getting a big cable package. I love "Six Feet Under!" That was my reason to get it in the first place. And doesn't it seem like "Six Feet Under" and Sex & The City" form some kind of...what is the word for collective conciousness?...oh, zeitgiest! that's it! A zeitgiest for our time?
I had the cable guy remove the "package" today. It was eating up my time with garbage. (haha! the cable guy was hitting on me and all I could think of was maniacman Jim Carrey! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!)
And on the political front I am glad to hear that the Senate voted down the Alaskan well drilling/oil-makes-me-richer project. Although with gas nearly at $2 now and war in the Middle East everyone will begging for it in the summer.
*Reminder to me: PIPELINE STORY!