Okay, The Fierce Deity's Mask is most probbably the coolest aspect of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. But before I start rambling on about the mask i have to tell you how to get it of course. And that part is not so easy heheh. Okay you need all of the 23 masks in the game and all of the 4 remains mask. On the final day go to the top of the clock tower with five hours left and there you will meet up with tael and the Skull Kid, and the rapidly desending moon after tael gives you a reminder about the 4 giants play the oath to order and the 4 giants will actually come and hold the moon from crashing. As this is going on Majora's Mask just lets go of the battered form of the skull kid and goes into and posses the moon itself. The moon possesed by the mask sucks you up. When your in the moon your on a large vast prairie with only a tree under it head to the tree and talk to a child hand him over as many masks as he needs and then go do his mini-dungeon. Do this with all the kids until you are only left with your 3 transformation masks. Talk to the kid wearing majora's mask and he will give you the Fierce Diety's Mask as a reward for collecting all the masks. Now this is the fun part. With the Fierce Diety's Mask on you are majoras mask's nightmare you can defeat all 3 of majora's forms with extreme easy with the fierce diety mask. All you have to do is slash your sword and automatically like 10 laser discs attack majora keep on doing this until his first form 2nd form AND 3rd form are dead. Congrats you have just completed Majora's Mask with minimal effort. Unfortunately the insanity of this mask's power is only available in boss battles. But there is one way you can use it without being in a boss fight and i will tell you how later. With the Fierce deity's mask on you are a dark gerudo Samurai with a long sword that probbably does 5 X the damage of the kokiri sword. And each of the little laser discs that he fires out of the sword pretty much add up to the power of one kokiri sword! Now you see why this is Link's ultimate transformation. heh.