Guillaumin is a famous lawyer in Yonville, not just for his ability as a
lawyer but he is also notorious for his relationships with women. This
is sickening for a man of such influence to take part in such immoral actions,
and treat women with such disregard as if they were objects. For I
a recipient of the Cross of the Legion of Honor treat women with respect
an dignity. He sometimes gives money or provides free service for sexual
favors. I recently found out he was willing to pay off Emma’s
debt to Monsieur Lheureux for a sexual favor, but she was appalled by the
notion and refused. I feel sorry for Emma to be in such an awkward
and demeaning position. If she came to me with her problems I would
have helped her out without any strings attached. For I am a philanthropist,
and its an honor for me to help everyone and anyone (as long as I get prime
recognition for it). Despite being an old and “repulsive”
man, he ran a successful business and he was kind enough to offer Leon a
job so he cannot be totally bad.
People of Yonville