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"It is Monsieur Homais' pharmacy...that most attracts the eye" (Flaubert 87)

Are you ailing?  Has some health malady caused you to not feel yourself?  Do you suspect that there is something seriously wrong with yourself, but not sure what?  Want some chocolate?  Well, then make a stop at my pharmacy, the marvel of Yonville.  Like the golden rays of light at the end of a pitch black tunnel, I offer hope to the residents of this town.  I have anything and everything you could ever need to cure all that ails you: “ ‘Vichy, Seltzer, and Barèges Waters; Purifying Agents; Raspail Medicine; Arabian Racahout; Darcet’s Lozenges; Rengault’s Salve; Bandages; Bath Preparations; Medicinal Chocolate; etc.’” (Flaubert 87).  Just stop by and pick something up—get some “medical advice” while you’re here too!  Located across from the Golden Lion Inn, my pharmacy is the attraction of the town!

 Who Am I
