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Are You an Exile Junkie?

By Lanfear

Message 14 : Mon Aug 26 (Lanfear) :: Are You an Exile Junkie?


drumroll please...

10. You've forgotten what color your walls are, your girlfriend or boyfriend's name, and whether or not you have a carpet under the pile of junk food wrappers and crushed beer cans.

9. In your real life, you feel constantly surrounded by newbies.

8. You pride yourself on being able to run to the bathroom or kitchen and back to the keyboard again before your spellup alias is complete.

7. You attempt to order a large pepperoni and magic mushroom pizza from your local pizzeria.

6. Your parents catch you repeatedly looking at your housepets, and threaten to cut off your ISP when you explain you were only trying to sense hidden objects.

5. You call in sick for work/school/whatever because you're in the Gauntlet and on a roll!

4. Hemmorhoids. They're caused by sitting too long. Own up - You know what I'm talking about.

3. You go to a Renaissance festival and get arrested for beating the man playing town crier to a bloody pulp just to see how hard you hit.

2. You leave out a complete bar, a bag of peanut m&m's, and some porn out every Christmas Eve in the hopes that Volito, Marinell, Gora, and Hextall along with all their reindeer helper gods come a'visitin' and leave you lots of tokens, qeq, and a shiny new Seeker. And you put a carrot out for Overseer.

1. You'd turn down sex for a quest. For shame!


....Er wait, how many qp's is it worth?


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