This is the most recent shot I have, taken in the summer of '02. I was sleepy here, up past my bedtime!
Here are some shots of me taken in the fall of '01.
These two are really hi-resolution. I just got out of the shower and I know, I know... need to trim the face fuzz.
Here's one of me looking thoughtful.
The pictures below are all at least a year old.
Who you lookin at?
You shouldn't have looked at me like that.
A pretty normal picture of me at the beginning of 1999
The same day as the one above, but a side view.
Why did I include this, it's almost identical to #1. They're all dorky shots, but after seeing these you'll know what I look like on a bad day :)
Here's a senior picture of me trying to look smart. I was 17, summer of '95.
This is one of the all time dorkiest pictures ever taken of me. It's another senior picture, summer of '95 when I was 17.
This is me when I was 17, dancing with Amanda. She's Michael's girlfriend right now, for the last couple of years actually. It may compete with #6 for the dork title.
I was only FOURTEEN here, imagine that... long time ago. I was even wearing a hat. The girl in the picture is Margaret, I mentioned her in my bio.
This is another one of me and Margaret when I was 14... we look so funny cause we were out in the woods in the dark and they flashed us with the camera.
Full length shot of me and Margaret dressed for my 9th grade prom. I was so skinny!
I guess I was 18 or 19 here, doing my statue of liberty impression :)
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