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I adopted Oscar from the Memphis Animal Shelter on June 12th, 2002.  He was born the 7th of February to a German Shepherd and a Labrador Retriever (I think.)

He was apparently housebroken when I got him, lucky for me.  His favorite things are to chew on **insert anything he can reach** and to crawl under my bed for a nap.

I'll update with more pictures as he grows :)

Oscar discovers the wonders of mirrors.

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Oscar being a lazy mutt and chilling on my bed.

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"Whatcha doin up there?"

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"Man, that's a good lookin dog over there."

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"I gotcha, you're all mine now, little rope ball!"

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Week Two 6-22-02

We went to the vet this week to have the stitches removed from his neutering surgery.  They were bright pink.  How degrading!

The nice nurses at the Family Veterinary Clinic on Stage Rd. took them out and gave us a month's heartworm treatment and flea preventative and a 10lbs bag of dog food for free!

We'll be going back in a month to get booster shots and more heartworm medicine so Oscar stays healthy.  He weighs 21 pounds and is 14" at the shoulder.

Oscar playing with his girlfriend, Kieran.

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Oscar and Kieran necking on my bed!

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Oscar and Kieran having a lover's quarrel.

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Oscar looking lonely after Kieran left.

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Oscar missing his girlfriend.

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Cute and cuddly Oscar and Kieran

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One month!  7-11-02  We went to the Vet again today and got more heartworm medicine for him, and some antibiotics and some cough medicine to help clear up the upper respiratory tract infection he's had ever since he moved in.  He was 20.1 pounds on his last vet visit, and he's 27.1 now... seven pounds in 3 weeks.  He's going to end up being an awfully big dog.


Oscar taking a nap.

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Oscar waking up from his nap...

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Oscar cuddling with Meghann.

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Oscar being shy.

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"Dad, why are you always taking pictures of me?"

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"Hey, get that thing outta my face!"

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"Gonna poke a camera in MY face, eh?  Well... blbpbpblp!!!!!"

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"Yeah, I'm a cool dog."

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7-17-02  Just a couple of new pictures.  He's 18.5" at the shoulder now.

"Hey dad, there's a bone on the bottom of my bowl.  Can I eat it?"  

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Oscar and Kieran playing.  "RAWR!"  They make wookie noises when they get excited.

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7-24-02  A cute pic of Oscar and Kieran relaxing on the bed.

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8-8-02  A couple of new pictures.  Oscar has discovered ice as his favorite treat and learned to sit, lay down, and roll over.  He's still growing like a weed and weighs around 35 pounds now and is 19" at the shoulder.

Roll over, boy!

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Oscar posing on the bed.

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Oscar lounging.

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8-26-02  Took Oscar to the vet last week for his heartworm medicine.  He weighs 36 pounds now and is almost 6 months old.  Ray and Courtney moved in and he's been having fun playing with the new people.

Here he is giving Courtney some loving!

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Courtney and Oscar lounging.

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I can't decide which one is cuter, can you?

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Have you ever seen a happier dog?

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"Hey Dad, whatcha doin?"

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9-27-02   Oscar's finally 6 months old!  He weighs almost 50 pounds now and is 22" at the shoulder.

Here's Oscar and Kieran trying to prove that two objects CAN occupy the same space.

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Here's Oscar pretending he's a pointer.

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Oh no, they caught me!!!

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Oscar the Shark

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"I'm fast as greased lightning!"  (Oscar doing his Greyhound impression)

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Kieran hanging out.

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Somebody dropped crumbs in the bed!  "Don't worry, I'll get em!" (Kieran)

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Oscar pondering the meaning of life.

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"The Chinaman is not the issue!" (The Big Leibowski)

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