When the universe was in the infancy
of its making, a fungus
with one intelligible word
settled on a small,
planet, and
named it the only thing it knew;

The fungus (simply titled "Father" by it's descendents) lived alone on the planet it called Bob for an unimaginable number of years. By walking the entire planet as often as it could, the fungus learned every landmark. It then decided a place it called Bobo (pronounced "Mow-NAR-vah") was the best place for it to give birth to its young.

The Bobarian children grew rather quickly and populated the planet in a few short years. Planet Bob is about the size of Texas and is capable of holding 15 million human-sized life forms. However, the Bobarians are a small form of creature and the planet can hold 30 million of them comfortably.

Shortly after life began to grow on Bob, a space shuttle containing a very small Chinkie landed near the Landmark Bobo. She mothered the growing fungi and fed them many fish. The "Father" fungus gave Chinkie a home, where she became secluded and not seen again for many years.

In the year 65754 A.D. (A.D. being "After Discovery" on Planet Bob) President Maynardus was born. He was prophesized to be a great leader; a genius among the people. After he began his reign, the people of Bob realized that it must be a later Bobarian that the prophesy spoke of, for Chadonius proved to be INCOMPENTENT! So, a foreign national named Icsatice Mksnoneg (distantly related to Beaver Cleaver) offered help to the President. The two currently take turns feeding the dogs and running the planet.

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