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RJL Associates

Link to Us

We very much appreciate all your links to the RJL Associates' web site. The code for link to us is below.

Text Link

To add a text link to your web site add one of the following to your html code:

< a href="">BARGAIN PROPERTIES now available. SAVE up to 40% on houses, flats, bungalows... CLICK HERE.</a>

This is what it will look like:
BARGAIN PROPERTIES now available. SAVE up to 40% on houses, flats, bungalows... CLICK HERE.

< a href="">BARGAIN REAL ESTATE. Save awesome amounts of money. Up to 40% off. CLICK HERE.</a>

This is what it will look like:
BARGAIN REAL ESTATE. Save awesome amounts of money. Up to 40% off. CLICK HERE.

Image Link

To add an image link to you web site do these easy steps:

1) Right click on the image below and select "Save As" and save it among the files for your web site.
2) Add the following html code to your site:

<a href=""><img src="banner1.jpg" border="0"></a>

3) Upload the changed code and the image to your webserver.

Free Information

The following free information is highly recommended.

Interior painting ideas

Master bathrooms

Bathroom vanities

Japanese interior design

Basement decorating ideas

Faux painting techniques

Landscaping ideas

Rustic interior decorating

Living room ideas

Window treatment ideas

Bedroom interior decorating

Sponge painting techniques

Free Articles

Click on any of the numbers to read our free articles about home improvement, real estate and gardening. Alternatively, see the full list of articles by clicking here.

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