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Your Home: Energy Saving and Window Replacement Tips

(ARA) - Looking for ways to save energy in your home, keep safety at the forefront for your family and determine the best windows for your house?

The experts at Simonton Windows offer the following tips for homeowners:

Energy Saving Tips:

* Seek out Energy Star-compliant products to lower energy bills in the home. Windows meeting the U.S. government’s Energy Star guidelines can help reduce the heat loss and heat gain in a home, thus making the home more comfortable and lowering energy bills.

* For outdoor lighting, use motion sensors, which provide security with greater efficiency than lights that remain on continually.

* When it’s time to replace your windows, ask about insulating glass (I.G.) units made up of two or more panes of glass separated by a spacer system. Argon or Krypton gas (harmless and odorless gasses found in the atmosphere) can be sealed inside the I.G. unit to help reduce the transfer of heat and cold, saving you energy dollars.

* Install low-flow showerheads throughout the home. These require less hot water than traditional showerheads and save on energy bills.

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Window Replacement Tips:

* If your windows are more than 20 years old, it’s time to give them a good examination. Look for air gaps around the windows, loose caulking and condensation build-up -- all signals that it may be time to replace the units.

* Spend some time opening and closing your windows in different weather. Do they stick when it’s humid? Are there any “rough spots” you can’t get the window past? These could be indications that the windows have outlived their functionality in the home and it’s time to consider replacing them.

* Looking for more privacy in your home? When it’s time to replace windows, consider operable or fixed obscure acrylic block windows. They offer the same thermal dynamics as traditional replacement windows and allow light in the home while obstructing the view!

* Love natural sunlight, but hate how it fades your carpeting and furnishings? When it’s time to replace your windows, select Low E glass and advanced glass packages. In layman’s terms, these special glasses reflect the harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays from the windows, so the rays don’t enter the home.

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Safety Tips:

* It's good to remember that window screens are created solely to keep insects out of the home. They won't support children or pets leaning on them. Also, keep furniture and anything else children can climb away from windows to prevent accidents.

* Looking for the perfect gift for family members? Purchase safety escape chain ladders for every bedroom located on a second floor or higher.

* When opening windows for ventilation, consider opening windows that children cannot reach, like the top portion of a Double Hung window. Simonton offers ventilation locks that allow a window to be partially opened for fresh air while remaining securely in place.

* Practice, practice, practice. Home fire drills should be part of every household routine. Since small children tend to "hide" from fires, it's important that they know and understand how to escape the house in an emergency. Practice sessions should he held quarterly, especially in homes with young children.

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Coastal Area Living Tips:

* Do you live in a coastal area with constant salt spray and sea air? If so, consider low maintenance vinyl windows that resist humidity, insects and clean easily. And, ask for stainless steel components for smooth operation and increased corrosion-resistance in coastal areas.

* Before constructing a home in a coastal area or replacing any building product, check with the local building codes. Many coastal areas have stringent codes because of sometimes volatile weather. Your builder or contractor should be familiar with the codes and can help you select products that comply with the requirements.

* Keep plenty of spare batteries, bottled water, non-perishable food, radios and flashlights available in coastal area homes. Sudden power outages are easier to handle if you have a designated box with emergency supplies easily available.

* Do you live in an area with a history of hurricanes? Play it safe and get impact resistant glass in your windows. During storms you don't need to worry about "shuttering up" the home. And, during nice weather the glass in these windows reduces sound and ultraviolet ray penetration along with making the home more secure against burglars.

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All these topics -- and many more -- are covered in the new Simonton Windows Tips and Ideas Brochure Series. Four colorful and informative brochures in the series, dealing with home safety, replacing windows, energy efficiency and coastal living, are available free to homeowners by calling (800) SIMONTON.

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Courtesy of ARA Content,

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