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Homeowners Still Unaware Of Health Risks
Linked To Poor Indoor Air Quality

by: News Canada

(NC)-According to a recent study, 90% of homeowners polled were not aware that exposure to poor indoor air quality can lead to major health problems. Results from the 1999 study proved that the concept of indoor air pollution remains relatively ambiguous to most homeowners.

Jean Deslandes, Marketing Manager for Venmar Ventilation, the leader in state-of-the-art air ventilation systems, explains: "Most people feel safe in their homes and simply put, air toxins have been traditionally affiliated with the outdoor environment particularly with concern for acid rain, ozone, smog etc. Overall, little emphasis is placed on the possibility of indoor health related illness, except in regard to the ambient air or toxic exposures in the work place."

Despite this commonly held belief; there is now growing evidence that indoor air pollution can adversely affect human health. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has determined that pollution indoors may be100 times higher than outside. More about this...

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It has been estimated that one household out of four has a family member who suffers from asthma, allergies, or another chronic respiratory disease. Indoor air pollution may exacerbate these illnesses. Children may be particularly susceptible due to their developing physiology and unique activity patterns. Over the last 15 years, asthma has increased by 160% primarily in children. Every year 20 children and 500 adults die in Canada due to asthma related illness of which 80 percent of those cases were treatable.

What's the reason for these staggering increases in respiratory illness? Experts point to the fact that we spend 90% of our time indoors, surrounded by a vast array of indoor pollutant sources -- including glues, paints, tobacco smoke, disinfectants, perfumes, insecticides, lubricants and more. All these products emit some level of pollution. High amounts of chemicals, moisture, allergens and moulds, can contribute to indoor air pollution and are linked to a series of lung problems such as asthma, chemical sensitivities and allergies. Exposure to the variety of chemicals found in household products may have both short and long term adverse health effects. More about this...

As it stands, it is up to the homeowner to contend with health problems attributed to indoor air pollution. According to Deslandes, the most assured and practical way to clean indoor air is to invest in an air purification system that will filter out harmful pollutants and distribute fresh air throughout the home.


Venmar has recently launched a new "Whole House HEPA Air Purification" system, that combines heat recovery ventilation and high efficiency particulate air filtration (HEPA). The HEPA filters traps and removes up to 99.97% of airborne allergens and assists in distributing fresh air throughout the home. "Ventilation systems such as the Whole House Air Purification unit, gives homeowners the opportunity to take control over their health and improve the environment in their homes," added Deslandes.

Venmar's new HEPA series is now available at your local Home Depot, Rona Home and Garden, Soo Mills. For more details on indoor air quality visit:

Click here for more information...

About The Author

News Canada provides a wide selection of current, ready-to-use copyright free news stories and ideas for Television, Print, Radio, and the Web.

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