"Buy It, Fix It, Sell It...profit!: A Comprehensive Guide to No-sweat Money-making Home Rehab"
Buy It, Fix It, Sell It...profit!: A Comprehensive Guide to No-sweat Money-making Home Rehab
Renovating and reselling single-family homes is an income-generating business opportunity available in any area. This text presents insights alongside proven methods for rehabbing and then selling single-family homes as a highly lucrative entrepeneurial venture. Using these techniques, beginning and veteran real estate investors gain in-depth strategies for developing a high-profit, low-overhead business - full-time or part-time. The author addresses many of the thorniest challenges that rehabbers face - from identifying deal killers to making the right renovations. All new and expanded sections discuss: inspecting the property; dealing with contamination including toxic mould, asbestos, radon, lead paint, groundwater contamination, septic systems and termite infestations; how tax issues affect investments in real estate rehabs; funding pojects using IRA and 401 (k) accounts; and maximizing profits by flipping properties. The book explains where to find the funds to get started, how to create the team that will support the projects, and why not to pick up a hammer, even for those who are handy. Success stories are included to inspire investors and would-be entrepeneurs to take action...
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