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RJL Associates

Our Fees For Providing A Bargain Property

When you have actually invested in a property RJL Associates have provided for you, we will require a small fee. It's only a relatively small amount when compared to the thousands, tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of pounds that you will save! Please see our list below.

Property Selling Price

Up to £50,000
£50,001 - £100,000
£100,001 - £150,000
£150,001 - £200,000
£200,001 - £300,000
£300,001 - £400,000
£400,001 - £500,000
£500,001 - £700,000
£700,001 - £1,000,000
£1,000,001 - £2,000,000

Our Fee


Remember it's free to request as many properties as you want. In addition, it's free to view as many of our properties as you want. There are no other fees. Click here to save thousands of pounds now!

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