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Name: Gilgamesh
Aura: Black
Race: Android (Like Android 17)
Hair: black hair, long like Adnroid 17 but covered with a red cap
Eyes: right Green / left White
Age: 100
HT: 6ft
WT: 250 lbs

BIO: Many years ago on a Planet Called Nede......

Long ago based on the research of Dr.Lantis, it was discovered that by applying technologies derived from Helerady science to make modifications to the DNA of people, it is possible to create bioweapons with more power then most species. The project was lable as the Ten Wise Men. The close-in combat weapon [Marsilio]. The remote projectile-attack weapon [Shigeo]. The base-defense special weapon [Berle]. These three weapons were completed. In addition, development was started on the strategic weapon [Decus] to be used to control these three weapons. The two information gathering agents [Ruprecht] and [Nicolus] were completed. Together with the information analysis agent [Jibril] completed earlier, these agents were assembled under the command of the civilian control agent [Vesper]. In addition, the agent named [Cyril] used to monitor the Ten Wise Men was also completed at the same time. The Tenth Wise Men is a soldier [Gilgamesh], he protected his last surviving member of his family,his daughter Filia,when attacked was made on Dr.Lantis undeground base by a unknown force and only thing known about them is that they want to use his reserch for thier own uses. Dr.Lantis, had his body ordered to be moved into his laboartary and did so. Dr.Lantis reserch was successful and revived him as an android, with a sword called Excalibur as a momento. Dr. Lantis has made him as a permenat body guard for Filia since the attacks are being more agrressive as time goes by. Soon the entire planet was attack and slowly beening taken over by the unknown race. Dr.Lantis sent 9 out of the 10 Wise Men to help save the people of Nede from the invansion. While they were out the base was overrun with the enemy, Gilgamesh was sent out to fight and was winning but it was hopeless, it will be a matter of time the entire base was overun. As this was happening, the other 9 Ten Wise Men was also having trouble because it have seemed they have planed this for a long time. Dr Lantis,Filia, and Gilgamesh escapes the base in a escape pod and left a trap for the enemy that after a certain time has passed it would self-destrut and it all happen exactly Dr.Lantis planed it. All of the Ten Wise retreated to a special hideout with Dr.Lantis and his daughter to a secret hideout he made just incase something happen to the planet. it happens once again, the hideout is found and a battle ensue. Dr.Lantis has mnde some modificatiosn to his body with some implants so he aided the Ten-Wise Men. His last order was that Gilgamesh was to be blast off with his daughter filia and escape. Gilgamesh and Filia is blasted off and watchs from above the terrible hopless battle. They have crashed landed unto earth. Been living with each other for a long time but Filia aged while Gilgamesh a,n android, did not. He protects Filia and sadly watches Filia sliping away. It has been 80 years since everything has happen to him. His new home planet is Earth which he protects, since no longer he have his home planet Nede. Gilgamesh is a friendly person at best not hard to notice with his six arms, many people he have met called him spider man. He is patient with every he meets but ignores rude people who think they have authority over him and whatnot. Being a somewhat a above average soldier he lacks some common sense that people pick up while being near him for a while. As well as being a person who seems to don't know what he is doing most of the time. To keep it neat a person who you'll see as a person who would face the enemy head not knowing he is going right into thier hands.

Power Level: 100,000,000 3,000,000,000 6,000,000,000

Fighting: 7,000,000 7,050,000 7,100,000
Weapon: 7,000,000
Speed: 7,000,000 7,050,000 7,100,000
Power: 7,000,000 7,050,000 7,100,000
Body: 7,000,000 7,050,000 7,100,000
Mind: 7,000,000
Strength: 7,000,000 7,050,000 7,100,000

HP: 3,500,000,000 3,525,000,000 3,550,000,000
Dodge: +1400000 +1410000 +1420000
Strike: +1400000 +1410000 +1420000
Damage: 700,000,000 705,000,000 710,000,000
KI Strike: +1400000 +1410000 +1420000
Initiative: +700000
Weapon Attack: +1400000


Sense ki
Hide ki
Shadow Flare: A ki attack where the area it hits will turn completely white, everyone in it who will be affects by the attack turns completely black that only thier figures will be only seen and explode. The explosion will cause a cross to form when finish./ Burning Effect lvl 2/ Area: 2
Kame Hame Ha/ Increase Damage lvl 2/


SA/ PLx30/ +50,000 to all stats but mind.
SA 2/ PLx60/ +100,000 to all stats but mind.
(Full body upgrade provided by Zeke. +7,000,000 to all stats and 100,000,000 PL increase. When powering up has an option of sprouting pierving blasts of ki in all directions (d20+bonus+30 area 600,000 increase damage x3). The outerbody is protected by an invisible field of electrical charges that will inflict damage to opponents on impact that can be activated and deactivated by will (50,000). A self destruct mechanism has also been added in case of an emergency or if this new upgrade causes the user to go . . . insane (All PL goes into technique automatically, increase damage x5, area 10,000,000).