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5,000 years ago, a fierce warrior known as The Scorpion King led a great army on a campaign to conqueror the known world. "Akau-Bashenta". After a vicious campaign which lasted 7 long years, The Scorpion King and his army was defeated and was driven into the sacred desert of Ahm-Shere. One by one they slowly perished under the scorching sun, until only the great warrior himself was alive. Near death, The Scorpion King made a pact with the dark god Anubis; That if Anubis would spare his life to conqueror his enemies, he would give him his soul. Anubis accepted his offer and spared his life. Anubis gave The Scorpion King command of his army and like an evil flood they wased away all that lay before them. When his task was done, Anubis forced The Scorpion King to serve him for all time. His army was returned to the sands from wence they came; Where they wait, silently to be re-awakened once again.
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