Alternate Nostril [Sun/Moon] Breathing [Anuloma Viloma]
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1. Place your thumb over your right nostril, closing your right nostril, and inhale through your left nostril for a count of four and hold your breath for a count of six

2. Switch your thumb to your left nostril, closing your left nostril with your thumb, and now exhale for a count of four through your right nostril, slowly and evenly.

3. Keeping your left nostril closed with your thumb, inhale through your right nostril for a count of four and hold for a count of six.

4. Close your right nostril with your thumb and exhale through your left nostril, for a count of four.

5. Keeping your thumb on your right nostril, inhale through your left nostril for a count of four, hold for a count of six, switch your thumb to your left nostril, and exhale through your right nostril for a count of four.

Inhale through left
Hold at the end of the inhale
Exhale through right
Inhale through right
Hold at the end of the inhale
Exhale through left

The above constitutes one round.

For those of you who are new to breathing exercises, you should do five rounds, but no more. It can take several months before you move on to higher numbers of rounds. Experienced meditators can do ten rounds or more. Remember, with all breathing exercises, less is always better, in other words, never push any breathing exercises or do more than is comfortable. You should NEVER feel that you are getting tired, as this is a warning to stop. Never hold your breath any longer than is comfortable. Pushing breathing exercises can be dangerous.

It is important to relax and take your time with this exercise.

For advanced meditators, the times can vary from being equal, for example, a ratio of 2 on the inhale, 8 on the hold, and 4 on the exhale, but this must be consistent throughout the meditation.

The above exercise is excellent to perform after performing healing work, or any working requiring an output of energy, as it acts to balance the energies of the soul.

The above exercise directs the prana/witchpower to the head and upper chakras, balances the ida and pingala channels [sun and moon nadis], and works on purifying them for the safe ascension of the kundalini serpent.

Focus and light pressure when holding can be directed to the pineal gland or to any of the other chakras.


© Copyright 2009, 2013, 2018, Joy of Satan Ministries;
Library of Congress Number: 12-16457

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