Joy of Satan E-Groups
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JoS membership is open and free to everyone. We do not charge any 'membership dues' nor do we charge for any knowlege. We feel your relationship with Satan is between you and Satan; as there are no mediators in Satanism. We are not nosy about the lives of our members. We respect our members, their personal lives, and their privacy. Above all, we work for Satan and we do what he wants for us to do. Satan emphasized how all spiritual knowledge should be open and freely available to everyone. We honor his wishes and do not try to use or hoard spiritual knowledge for any personal gain.

Due to the large number of members, we must get more organized. The groups below are all Joy of Satan e-groups. Please remember, especially if you are new to Satanism, the main group has memberships in the thousands. Because we are small staffed, the Ministry cannot respond to most individual e-mails, and e-mailing the Priesthood is strongly discouraged. Joy of Satan Ministries is pretty open and free. In the larger groups, one can expect some differing opinions, and differences in personal beliefs. Please bear this in mind and use common sense before considering any advice you might receive. Satanism is thinking for yourself, so it is important to be selective when faced with new information.

If you have questions, feel free to ask them in the groups, but we strongly encourage you to read through the information on the Joy of Satan website first. Too many people neglect personal study. Satan is the bringer and giver of knowledge. One cannot advance in Satanism without knowledge. It is obvious in the groups regarding those who make statements with a serious lack of knowledge. You will be able to discern truth from bullshit if you take the time to study. This will also help you in dealing with this sort of thing in your every day life offline. Please read the rules listed on the front page of whichever group/s you wish to join, before joining and make sure you understand them.

Please be aware that there are enemy infiltrators in all of our e-groups. Some of these claim to be 'Satanists' but their trolling, harassment of our members, and their working to cause disunity within the Satanic community reveals their true purpose. If you ever receive any harassing or unwanted e-mails from the above, please either notify the JoS ministry, and/or post the identity of the harasser/s to the JoS e-group/s.

Also, please be aware of your own personal security when online and especially in any e-groups you belong to. Giving out personal information is very unwise.


ALL of the Yahoo e-groups are down. Every Yahoo e-group, not just Joy of Satan e-groups. This appears to be permanent. Many people with e-groups from all backgrounds, beliefs and interests have been questioning Yahoo and of course Yahoo is giving no response. Given the enemy attacks to control the internet and also the deal with the FCC this month [many websites could become inaccessible], this will more than likely get worse. I strongly recommend saving anything of importance from any websites you frequent, as the internet could go down at any time. This also will impact the economy worldwide.
Please feel free to visit our forum You do not have to sign in or register to read the messages. Lurkers are always welcome.
Again, I will do my best to keep everyone up to date here in regards to any developments concerning our groups. There is much more information on the forums.

The New Forum is up and running now.
Please Click Here
It's like the former one, you don't need to sign up or register to read the articles.


Joy of Satan Main Group
This is our main group.

Teens for Satan
This group is for kids and teens.

Advanced Meditation
This group is for people who are experienced with meditation and to discuss meditation and related topics.

Joy of Satan Ministries Sermons and Newsletters
This group is for those who only want to receive sermons and updates from the JoS priesthood. This group is outgoing messages/newsletters from the priesthood only.

Hell's Army Spiritual Warfare Group
For more information about the purpose of the above e-group, please click here.

JoS4adults · Joy of Satan for Mature & Experienced
In response to many requests we have received for some time, we opened a new group for mature adults who have been Satanists for at least several years and who have a sufficient knowledge of Satanism.

Grupo de correo electrónico para los hispanohablantes [haga clic aquí]
JoS E-Group for Spanish speaking members.

Радость Сатаны 666 [JoS E-Group for Russian speaking members]

Fryden Ved Satan [JoS E-Group for Danish speaking members]

These are our main groups.

September 2013:
It is becoming more and more blatant that Yahoo is being ruined from the inside. JoS and many others have used Yahoo groups for many years. Until recently, Yahoo was user-friendly, but not anymore. The groups have changed, the artwork we had for all of our e-groups has been replaced with christian related filth and unfortunately, there is no way to change this. I know about "running the cursor" over the nasty photo; this doesn't work. In addition, many other e-groups, including those of varied interests have been affected by these changes. Given the availability of information on the internet today, as most of us already know, this is a serious threat to the corrupted powers that be, such as those behind the christianity hoax for one, which runs into trillions of dollars and massive amounts of spiritual energy. The internet and online communities are a grave threat to those who are and have been trying to hide their crimes against humanity for centuries. I intend to stand my ground in regards to the JoS groups and will stay until the end. If the enemy succeeds in running us off, then they win. Please excuse the nasty xian filth on some of the front pages of these groups. With a few of the groups, we were lucky to be able to change back to our own artwork, but with the others, this unfortunatly has not been an option. From what I was informed, it is on many other Yahoo groups as well. All we can do is to continue to complain to Yahoo. In addition, this is only one obstacle, as Yahoo has also been working to make more problems in these groups unbeknownst to the majority of members. The enemy has controlled, corrupted and disrupted communications for centuries. This has been their power. With the internet, this is now becoming very difficult, as the truth is out in the open and they have been exposed.


© Copyright 2008, 2010, 2013, 2015, Joy of Satan Ministries;
Library of Congress Number: 12-16457