Yogic Humming Breath [Brahmari]
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This breath is essential to mastering mantras [words and names of power]. Mantras should always be vibrated, NEVER just spoken as words. Each syllable of a mantra should be vibrated. It is in the vibration that sacred words and names manifest their power.

To perform the Yogic Humming Breath [Brahmari]:

1. Breathe in as with the Complete Yogic Breath, filling your lungs from the bottom to the top.

2. On the exhale, keeping your lips closed for this exercise, HUM the breath out. This will extend the exhale. [Inhale fully, then sound HMMMMMMMM [lips closed] until you are completely empty of air].

The above constitutes one round. Do five rounds.


© Copyright 2009, 2013, Joy of Satan Ministries;
Library of Congress Number: 12-16457

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